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lol idk what this is 

And suddenly,  I realized the girl walking beside me, my treasured best friend and the love of my life, was living a fractured nightmare of what I was seeing from the outside.  A scream pierces my heart, but never leaves the cage I made for it in my throat. 

 I love her. Goddammit. I love her so much. But she won't believe me if I tell her. 

But my throat scratches, like I've swallowed poison ivy and chased it with steel wool. So I speak. To say something, anything that could come close to lighting a fire warm enough to melt the freezing cold in the depths of her mind, bright enough to chase away the shadows hiding whatever twisted monsters tangled themselves in her already damaged heartstrings.

And so I speak, unlocking the birdcage and watch as ravens and crows fly from my lips.

"Goddammit,       . You have an entire universe inside of you, waiting to be let out. There are far more stars in your eyes and studded onto your lips then there ever were in the night sky. You deserve far more for yourself than I could ever make you believe. You're  rich, so rich, and not in the monetary sense of the word. You're rich the way a chocolate is, sweet and pure, and so fucking fantastic. I can't lose you. No one deserves to be lost like that."

I love you.

My painfully obvious feelings twinkle in between every word,  in every pause I make to take in a shaking breath. 

But it's not enough. I'm met with the same view of her haunted dark eyes, like someone had plucked every last star --every last fleck of reflective silver from them. They were no longer like looking up at a beautiful night sky, but looking far, far down a ravine, so deep and dark that they'd never find your hollow body if you took one step further.

 I try to close my eyes, and I try to breathe deeply. The very image of her at the bottom of a cliff, hardly any less empty than she was before taking those last steps -- it's more than enough to make me feel like sheets of ice were freezing inside me, making themselves home between my ribs.

I know I can't love her enough to make her pain go away,  not for forever.  No matter what I do, or how hard I try,

I can't help


The creaking of a birdcage, and the fluttering sound of a singular dove. She speaks.

"If no one should be lost, then why do you walk so far off the trail?"

"If you think we shouldn't walk off the trail, they why'd you follow me?"

And so we fall into the ravine 


i literally don't even rlly know what to write rn so have this

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2019 ⏰

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