C.H.A.P.T.E.R 17♥

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Me And Shonna has been talking to each other non stop. It's like every time I talk to her i just can't stop smiling man. I've been thinking about makng it official with her cause to be honest I'm tired of seeing all these niggas trying to talk to her. It's funny cause before i started talking to her niggas was talking shit on her, but now that i'm talking to her they wanna be all up in ha face .Well anyways just in case yall wondering wat the hell my sexy ass is doing im walking the halls. Don't worry I did my work before hand so im good as shit right nah.

" Hey dustin" i heard a females voice that wasn't shonna's so i turned around slowly and i jumped. yes this bitch startled me, she look like that doll cynthia from the rugrats. her hair was not loyal to ha ass.

"Do i know you?" i said scrunching up my face

" No but you can get to know me" she said her whole grill was gang banging. her teeth looked confused them bitches look like they didnt know rather to go . vertical , horizontal, or diagnal. Her breathe smell like the damn struggle.

" I have a girl" i said trying to walk away

" so forgt her she aint gotta know" she said while inching up closer and as she was doing that i took some steps back.

" Look ma me and you will never happen im sorry wait no im not i have a girl so your services is not welcomed or needed. " i said

" watever i didn't want yo ugly ass anyways" did this shubaka looking ass bitch really just call me ugly? awww ok

" Bitch, Ugly should never come out ya damn mouth cause you look like you been sponsered by it You mad cause ya can't get no dick witcho thirsty ass." i said and she just walked off . as im still wondering these long ass halls i bump into shonna .

" hey dustin" she said while flashing me that pretty ass smile

" Hey girl" I said while biting my bottom kip and we gave each other a hug

" i seen you talking to nastaja " she said

' oh she has a name i thought that girl was a undiscovered creature" i said she punched me in my arm and it hurt

" she is not ugly she just havent found her beauty yet" she said

" and she never will and she needa nastaja ass away from me shit before i call the damn pet control" i said while rubbing my arm

" You have no damn chill like you need to stop being mean nigga" she while putting a peice of gum in her mouth and throwing away the wrapper

" ok but in all seriousness i have to ask you a question" i said while bringing her close to me in a hug

" and what might that be?" she said while looking up at me

" i've been thinking, and i was wondering if you wanted to be my girl?" i asked she stopped hugging me and just turned around

" No" she said plain

" wait?wat?" i asked confused

" No im not ready to start a new relationship dustin just give it more time" she said while playing with her fingers

" I understand" I said

" You Ok" she said trying me but i hand to play like a fly was flying in my ear

" Yeah i'm good uhh ill hit you up later " i said while walking off slowly. i aint never been turned down by a girl like that. especially a girl i really really like but aye she never said she wouldn't date me she just said not right now

Welp thats the end of this chapter what do yall think about it.

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