C.H.A.P.T.E.R 19♥

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Sparkle POV

-Hey I'm sparkle . I'm From Alabama. Me and My family been living here sense i was 10. My daddy Works At a Car dealership, and My Mom Works At The Bank. So I wouldn't call my self poor. I have  2 brothers and 1 sister . Me being the baby is like heaven. I Basically get anything i want.  I've had a crush on Ryan sense the 8th Grade now that we are in our sophomore year.  I've decided to Make That Known. I Know Yall Wondering why I Waited til this Year. Well the last Couple of Years I've Been Shy. Everytime He spoke to me I Just ran, and eventually He Just Stopped talking to me. When he came up to me at the club(Teen Club). My Heart started beating really Fast, and I got nervous. I eventually Sat all that aside and started dancing with him.  next thing You Know we exchanging Numbers.  well enough of all that he at my house right nah..

"So If You could Be any animal In The Jungle what would it be?" He asked as we were laying down and intertwining our fingers .

"Hmmm. A lion" I said

"Why a lion" 

"Because sense her spouse is King of The Jungle that makes her Queen and She's A Ride or die for her Mate " I said

"Oh so You saying You would Ride for me"he said

"Yep" I said While Popping The "p"

"What do you like about me?" He asked

"I like Pretty much everything about you. I Mean I Love your personality and The way you Snore when you fall asleep on the phone. I Love The way you say my name lol oh and when your pissed off about something I Just Love You in General" I said

"Well I was Wondering if you could be my Girl"He asked honestly I thought he'd never ask

"Duhhhh Nigga Now Gimme Kiss" I said tryna sound like Stevie J On The Last Part

"Nuh Uh Stevie" He tried to mimic joseline

"Your so Horrible " I said

"Well duh imma Nigga" He said

"Yeah yeah yeah come to mommy " I said as I bit my lip

"Call me daddy and I will" He said.

"Boy please only person I'm callin daddy is My father you know the one who released me from his damn sack into my mothers Vagina.." I said

"TMI My nigga TMI "He said As He Scrunched up his face

"Babe For real come here "i said Acting like a baby and pouting

"Ugh Ok " He came and He Sat Back down on the Bed and I straddled him as his hands traveled down my back and stopped at my ass he gave a squeeze and I bit my lip while smiling. 

then my eyes trailed off to his lips and then next thing you know we kissing .

Sebastian POV

"Look Halo I Know I said some shit that I really didn't mean or do, come on now just give me another chance" I said while Walking after her . she still isn't talking to me

"Sebastian Its Not about That . Its About How you treat me . You May Thought You treated me good but you didn't. disrespecting me In front of your friends isn't Good. talking to other girls isn't good. i Had Mad Love for You I'm Not Even sure If its still there or not."She said  I was kind of confused cause I never ever disrespected her in front of my friends if anything they loved her

"halo I Never disrespected you in front of my friends you got me mixed up with somebody else "  i said . When I said that her whole body language changed .

"what ever Sebastian I Know What The Fuck you did?" She said as she walked off. Im tired of her walking away every chance she gets I'm stopping her this time. I grabbed her by her wrist and pulled her towards me . we were face to face now

"I'm Not Letting You leave This Time. so You might as Well tell me when I disrespected you in front of my friends cause I'm pretty fucking confused you know." I said

" That Time we Went to that bonfire . I tried to snuggle up with you but you pushed me away Because You didn't wanna be close to me and The Fucking hurt Sebastian ." Now she not making no type of damn sense we ain't never been to a damn bonfire

"Halo We Never Been to a bonfire together. "i said through clinched teeth she was trying me like For real she was trying me  ."You Got me Mixed Up with Some Other Nigga Cause it ain't me . Now Other you been with somebody while we was together or you rethinking the shit that happened in your past relationship" I said she got quiet then said

"You know I was , I was with somebody while I was dating you I did cheat on you only because I thought you was fucking around on me so I decided that I should get even now there you have it"  she said it so nonchalantly that pissed me off

"That's why you come to me so we can talk about it halo . if I wanted to cheat on you i would have done it.  I Didn't because I actually loved yo ass but aye I guess I wasn't the one trippin it was you ma . Yet im sitting here  tryna get you back, but what the fuck for?  You bogus Ma for real and yet you run around talking shit on yo own sister talking about she's a hoe but fail to realize you in the same category. Man bye "  I walked off she ran after me and tried to touch my hand i snatch it away and kept walking . I guess she wasnt the one for me to begin .. Welp I'm on my single status .. fuck wit me .


Man After shonna told me no I've been thinking of everything to do . to get her to be mine I made up a plain shoot its coming just wait on it....

Sorry its been a while i been busy with dance and singing and all that but here's another chapter I hope you Enjoyed it ...

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