C.H.A.P.T.E.R 18 ♥

125 11 3

Shonna POV

- Hey wassup its shonna and i know yall think yall know me but really you don't. I grew up in a small town. There i really didn't have as much friends  and dont have as much friends now. Nobody never wanted to talk to me because of my weight.  As of now I really dont care about what people think about my weight.  I've Been Talked About my Whole Life I'm Use To It. I know y'all wondering why I didn't say yes to being Dustin's Girlfriend. I Said No Because I Use To Date a Guy Just Like Dustin he was Light Skinned , sexy, nice body, Tall, Nice hair, and He was Good At Basketball. This Guy was So Good To Me. He Stuck Up For Me When People were talking Shit . He Helped Me Find My Inter beauty. He Helped Me Build back My self-esteem . But then he started getting bullied because he was with me. His friends Ditched him, He would not only get bullied At school, but he would get cyberbullied. They would Tag him in picture saying That he was Norbit and I Was Resputua that Killed me In The Inside. It got so Bad People were telling him to Kill Him self before I do.  The More and More They Had Picked Him The More He was Broken in side.  Even Though They Had Picked and Picked and Picked at Him. He Still Manage To stay With Me . He Said "Baby No Matter How Hard or How Much They Try To Break Us Up They Won't Succeed Because When My Love is True and Real for You I Will Always Be There for You No Matter How Hard They Try to break us apart Your my everything Believe that" he said  While Looking in my eyes that's was filled with tears at that Moment.

Then One Day I Had Gotten a phone Call from him and He Told Me...


Hello "I spoke into the Phone

" Cause All of  Me ,Loves All of You"

"Love Your Curves And all Ya Edges , All Your perfect imperfections "

"Give Your All To Me, Ill give my all To You"

"Your My End And My beginning, Even When I Lose I'm Winning "

'I'll Give You all of me , and you give  all of you'


He Sanged To me He Had A Beautiful Voice.

"Aww Baby That Was Beautiful"

I said as A Tear Came down my cheek

"Yeah Baby I want You to remember That Ok Baby Just know I Will Always Be Here For Even when Im Dead and Gone Your my Queen Ok I Love You"

he said as His Voice Got shaky

"I Love You to" I said

"Promise Me You will do Good With Out Me Ma "  He said Now i became Worried

" baby Whats  Going On? " I said Getting Scared

"I Gotta Go Baby I Can't Do It anymore Look Just promise Me " He said as His Voice Was changing.

" Whatchu mean You gotta Go" I said

"Baby I know In The Bible its a Sin . It's One Of The Biggest Sins . And Its A Sin That God Will Never Forgive me on . Baby I Just Need Your Promise ok" He said As He Started balling

when he said that I immediately new he was talking about killing His self . i Hurried Up and Jumped In My car and Sped To His House . When Got There I jumped Out My car and Ran went In side Tryna Find Him. I could tell he had a Break down cause Everything in his House Was Destroyed. I searched and Searched For Him He Was No Where To be Found.

"Baby where Are you?"I asked him as my voice cracked

" don't worry about it baby just Promise me please" He Said

I Hopped back into my car and I sat there for a moment thinking where he could be . Then It Hit Me He's At His  Get away house. I Drove there and I seen his Car I Got Out so quick . I ran up there stairs. I felt like a tack star I Knew I was gonna feel it when my adrenalin Calms down.

as I inched Towards the Door I Opened it and He Had a gun Pointed to His Head .

"_Baby p-put the Gun Down"I said as Tears Came Rolling down my face

"Baby Promise Me "He said Through Gritted Teeth as Tears was flowing down his Cheeks to

"No Put the Gun Down Baby Its Not worth It Baby its Not " I Said Inching Closer and closer to him


"Baby Remember What You always Told Me ."I said Inching Closer

"Yes , I said Don't Let The Others Break You down so much you feel like your life needs to end . Don't Let Them Win Let Them Lose there's No other Good Feeling then seeing the looks on there face when they finally realize they didn't break you down but they built you up into a stronger person then you were before. Take what they say about you and Reflect on it.  Don't Let Them Break you. Cause If you do You just made then stronger then what they were before"  we both said I'm unison

"you see baby don't let them think that they won " I said While Taking The Gun Out His Hand .

Next Thing You Know Gun shots Ringed out and I Immediately Took Cover and When I turned my head  there he was laying lifeless with a bullet hole through his Chest and one to his head


and they came 25 min later

"Ma'am I'm  Gonna Have to Ask you to get back" The Policemen told me

"THATS MY BOYFRIEND IM THE ONE WHO CALLED" I said as tears were streaming down my face ..

that was the last time I heard his voice him telling me he loved and  just when I was about save him . I guess God Had Other plans .

Flashback Over

Until This Day I just Think About that and I never Promised Him .

so that's why I didn't say yes to Dustin. I couldn't bare to let that shit Happen again . Damian's Words are still stuck him me. I Will Never Let Him down .  I started thinking about the funny things he would do and Say. I giggled to my self . And If Your Wondering Where I am. I'm at The cemetery . And At His Gravestone . I put a nice bouquet of yellow roses and Tulips. On his Grave . I felt a Cold Breeze and I heard a Whisper and it said.

"I Love You Baby Make Me Proud" I knew it was Him Cause he would Always Say that when I'm Down or when I'm in front of people . Sharing my poems with them.

"I will" I whispered "I will" I said As I walked Away..

See There you Have It

I cried on this Chapter frfr




Kik Me:@ Zora_Green

if You need any help or advice I'm always here for y'all cause y'all like my family

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