iOne; just a girl in a ditch.

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it's so cold. my teeth quivered as December wind hit m face making the already frost bit even worse.  where are you going?  I couldn't cry. I had did enough crying. my life was revoled around are honestly I was tired.  I was going know where. 

There was no home to go to.  There was no family to take me in. I'm sick. a sick fuck to sleep with my father.  she said. when she never really knows what really happened.   That my own father could do such things. "oh, you know how she is she's a whore.  I never touched her if anything she's the one feeling on me."

   pathetic excuse right.  I sat down on the cold frozen bench. my jacket was worn down and I knew it wasn't going to last this winter . my shoes weren't going to last me another day.  The temperature was below 20. .I pulled the bookbag from over my head unzipping it. taking out a small blanket.  I wrapped around my cold body. 

  This would be the twelfth day without food.  I had resulted into finding leftovers in the garbage.   "Hey are you okay?" A calm deep voice asked me.I didn't look up to the stranger. his voice was almost like a british or an Australian.  "I'm okay." I say barely audioble.

"it's freezing out here, you don't look like it love." he implied.   "We maybe you should just mind your own goddamn business." I said looking up at him.  "I'm just trying to help you." He said in a smart ass tone. I scuffed at his smart remark.

  "you can't be a superhero atleast not Mines."   I say looking Down. at my pale fingers . my once carmel skin was like a pale purple. "Why not, What's your name?"  "sunjai, ." I said not answering his question.  on Why. " I'm Luke, can I get you something sunjai? " I looked up at him.He was tall and kinda skinny. but not skinny skinny.

  " I'm not your Pitty part."

"would you just take the damn offer, I want to help you."  

something in my body told me to go with him. there was just something about him that told me he was trustworthy.  look at what trust gotten you.  shutup.  I silenced the voice in the back of my head.

"okay, I'll go with you." I said. 

I got up from the bench in pain. it took everything in my power not to screaming out. My bones ached.  Michigan was shitin the winter. 

Luke towered over me.  I was only 5'3 .He smiled.  his teeth was white and it seemed like they weren't crooked at all.

"are you okay?"  he asked one again.   "I'm cold, so cold I think my body may go into shock."

"how long have you been out here? "

"twelve days. "  I say bluntly. 

"maybe we should go to the Hospital just to see if your okay." he said.

"we can't do that!"  I almost said yelling my head shook widly .

  "we have to know that your okay."  his blue eyes looked into my brown eyes, pleading with me.  "they're going to find me please.  I know What's wrong with me I've studied it.  I have superficial frost bite, lack of food and water, dehydration starvation. maybe phemonia  don't know how sever. "

he blinked trying to take it all in. "what if  get someone to come and see you at the house? "

he just wasn't going to give up.  "please."

I said. we made our way to body car, he opened the door. the car was a white camero it was beautiful.   I crawled into the set. the cold still hugged me like  an ice blanket.

He got in looking at me.then placing the keys in the ignition.starting the car. his white camero was beautiful to me.  the warm brease hit me instantly and I started on my hands to relieve the frost bite.

Luke stopped at a big looked like a celebrity house.

"what the fuck?"  I asked turning to him.

"it's just a house."

"that's no ordinary house what do you do for a living?"

Luke chuckled and unbuckled his seat belt. "I'm in a band called five second of summer."  holy shit.   laney loved sister , I missed her dearly but there was no way she was going to let me see her.

"trust me. " he said looking into my eyes.

"trust is What's got me here Luke."  I said looking down

" that's because you trusted the wrong person now trust me,no one can hurt you now. I won't let it happen. "

N/a. -  oh shit! -kenya.

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