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I was walking in the hall and it was packed. Kids every where with ginormous backpacks. There was no way to get around the kids in such a narrow hall way. Kids are pushing each other on the floor, spilling papers every where. Then I heard laughing. That laugh was so familiar. And that voice. It can't be!

There she was. Ambree Gonzales. My best friend who moved to New York. I saw her with the popular kids. In elementary she always said she hated "The queens of school" or at least that's what they call them selves. They five queens are Mariah, Arianna, Haley, Brianna, and Kalie.

Ambree was popular enough to be with the five queens and Haley and Bri (nickname for Brianna, but pronounced Bree) even asked Ambree to be part of them. But she knew I wouldn't make it so she said no. Although I knew she always wanted to join. She wanted to join so bad. But she told me we have to stick together no matter what.

And now that I see her with the queens, i just breaks my heart. Why would she do that. Was I her set up to becoming popular. I should go up to her. See if maybe it's just a misunderstanding.

"Uh hey Ambree. I thought you were in New York." Just keep in it simple.

"Who are you? And what makes you think you can talk to me?!" She says it in a popular girl voice who cares about nothing but her self.

"What do you mean? We were in the same class last-" The bell interrupted me.

"Uh hey wanna be. I got to get to class. Go join the science club. People like you would sure make friends with those dorks." she says to me. I am not a wanna be! I hate science. She knows that too when we made a volcano together and it kinda exploded and got on my new converse. Ugh.

I walked away to get to class but she hit my stomach with her elbow. Okay that's it!!!! Best friends in the past huh. well that's the past. I don't care who she is! I am gonna beat the crap out of her!!!! I throw my binder hard and it gets everyone's attention. She kicks a paper at me and leaves. It was a note.

"Hey sorry i was being a jerk. Need to talk. Meet me behind the bleachers second period.

Your best friend(I hope)

Ambree <3

Ugh. Whatever. I was debating whether to go or not until a teacher came up to me.

"Come here right now."

"Y-yes?" i stuttered.

"Are you the girl who slammed your binder?" Oh. No. not the binder thing. It was an accident.

"Um... well-"

"Don't you lie to me!" she shouted.

"Yes." I sigh. "I was the girl."

"Come with me right now young lady!"

She took me to a room where the kids sit and wait to talk to the principal. There were five kids ahead of me so this is gonna take a while.

They gave me paper work to sign.

First question. What did you do wrong. Nothing I thought. But of course i put slammed my binder.

Next question. Why did you do it? Duh. Because Ambree hit me and I was ready to fight. Of course i didn't put that or else it would get detention, parent call and Ambree would have to come too. So I put I got mad that I left my PE clothes at home so I got mad. But I realized I actually did for get my clothes i just brought my shirt.

The rest basically asked more dumb questions.

*forty five minutes later*

The bell rang and the halls started to get filled with kids. First period was over and it was time for second. But we get five minutes in between classes to go to our lockers. Except only seventh and eighth graders had lockers today. Us sixth graders wait next week since we are new.

I sat there waiting. Only two kids have gone inside this whole forty five minutes. The second kid was still in there. He must have done something bad.

There was one eighth graders, a really really really really short sixth grader, and me.

I was swinging my leg and I felt something scratch my butt. I looked to see what it was. It was the note from Ambree.

"Crap." I whispered. I needed to get out of here. But how.

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