Christmas Eve

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Severus gets an invite from Minerva to visit her on Christmas Eve. He usually doesn't like to visit others, but this time he more or less feels obliged to go.


It was Christmas eve once again.

The office in the dungeon was cold and dark, despite the fire that burned in the fireplace. In the armchair in front of it sat Severus Snape, reading a book.

He preferred to stay away from all the fuss in the Great Hall. He didn't really like Christmas, and it was not like anyone enjoyed his presence anyway, he thought.

He turned his head when he heard something shove into his office from underneath the door. Closing his book, he raised up and sighed once he saw another Christmas card on the floor.

"We are in the same castle, why send cards?"

The cards were all the same; lots of glitter that sticked to literally anything, and Merry Christmas and a happy new year! already printed out on the inside so you'd just have to add your name.

Regardless of that, Severus still opened it. A small frown creased his face once he saw there wasn't only a name written in it, but also a small message.

'Dear Severus,' it said.
'Merry Christmas and a happy new year!
Can you come to my office for a cup of tea? I'd really appreciate it.
I hope to see you in a while,
– Minerva.'

Severus groaned in frustration. He had hoped for a quiet night, alone. He couldn't send her a letter that he couldn't come, neither could he come to her office to tell her that he couldn't come to her office, that would be ridiculous!

So, with a sigh, he threw the card on the pile of cards he'd received before and extinguished the fire in the fireplace before leaving his office.

After a few knocks, the door of Minerva's office opened.

"Oh, Severus! Hi!" she greeted him surprisedly. "You're quick! Come in!"

She stepped aside so Severus could pass her.

In contrast to his own office, hers was warm and cozy, which didn't surprise him at all. The office was filled with red and gold decorations and Severus could barely hide a small snort.

Of course. Gryffindor... he thought to himself.

Minerva closed the door behind him and gently laid her hand on his shoulder. "Please, sit down if you'd like. I'll be right back with the tea."

Severus awkwardly sat down in an armchair in front of the fireplace, comparable to the one he had in his own office. He had never been this long in Minerva's office before and also had no idea why she suddenly wanted him to.

Minerva soon came back holding two cups filled with steaming tea, giving one of them to Severus before sitting down in the armchair next to him.

"Thank you for coming, Severus." she said with a smile.

Severus looked up at her. "Why did you want me to?"

Minerva smiled slightly. "It's Christmas!"

With a huff, Severus looked down at his cup. "Yes, I noticed that. But I know just as well as you that I'm not great company."

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