Chapter 19

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Quick a/n I'm back my ex and I don't talk any more but I moved on I go out with my best friend Matt and he is amazing he taught me how to be happy with myself and yeah then he kissed me and it was amazing !

Song for this chapter : this is gospel by panic! at the disco (piano version)

Bianca's pov:

"Kian ?" I ask in hopes he is still awake . after he calmed me down I feel asleep in his bed .

"Yeah bibi?" he asked.

"I think I'm gonna go next door they seem to be having fun . I'm having fun sleeping but I'm not sleepy anymore." I say getting up and putting on Kian's nirvana


"Alright bye hun." he said

I walk next door to see everyone there including Jc ,Ricky ,Connor , trevor, and Sam . I go sit on matts lap.

"Hey Bianca !" Matt yells .

"Hey ." I say quietly. as I notice carter who is right next to us.

"Who wants to play a game?" gilinsky says as he runs out of the kitchen with destiny in his arms .

"Mee!" I yell childishly .

"Alright if we are playing a game let's take it back to elementary school . " Nash says . we all look at him

"Let's go play ding dong ditch." he says .

We all get excited .

"Yaaass!" we heard Jc scream . we then look at him confused .

"What the frickle I thought you didn't like that?" I said

"Well Leah got me hung onto it ." he said

"Aww young love ." I said

"Alright let's go play the game " Johnson said

We all go up another 3 levels and go knock on a door and run away . we hide in the stairs and quietly wait I check to see if the person is gone . but in just my luck they aren't they are standing right by the door waiting for us we walk out casually . but some one pulls my arm . I turn around to see a small girl around 10 or 8 with her mother .

Her mother didn't look very happy .

But the girl had a picture of all us and a smile that could light up this town for miles .

"C-can I ha-have your autograph ?" she asked her stutter was so cute .

"Of course ."I said .

I take the photo and sign it the guy come over and see me with the girl and Johnson comes to pick her up and she giggles . I take her from him and place her on the floor and bend down to her level .

" Hey sweetie . are you going to magcon tomorrow?" I asked sweetly

"Yes ." she says excitedly .

"Do you have VIP tickets ?" I ask

"No sadly I couldn't afford it ." her mom says she looks like a sweet person she just seems very stressed

"Well I can get you one I will give you it tomorrow when we see you ." I say walking away .after that we decided not to play anymore I went back to bed with kian and feel peacefully asleep.


Next morning

I woke up and got ready for magcon my outfit consisted of a royal blue skirt a white tank too with a silver heart on it . with converse and a royal blue bow with silver spikes on it . I curled my hair and pinned some twist back with the bow . I wanted to look pretty today for the news I would also be playing and singing a song .

(A/n just the chapter song )

Once everyone woke up I went to Starbucks with Matt and mahogany .

When we got there we sat at a table and talked

"So your really leaving ." asked mahogany

"Yup." I said popping the 'p'

"Bianca I hope you know we love you and fully support your decision ." said Matt referring to him and mahogany .

"Thanks guys I love you both to ." I said as I got pulled into a group hug .

I checked the time and it was about to be 1:30 and we had to be back at the venue at 2:00 we left and got to the venue .

When we got there I set up the stage a bit because the boys wanted to do their q & a thingy


It is now towards the end if the event we already had the meet and greet .

"Well guys I'm gonna sing a song and um before I do that I have to tell you guys something I'm leaving sorry but I just don't want to be apart of this family we are hanging on a piece on thread that will brake any day." I say then begin my song

"This is gospel for the

fallen ones locked away in permanent slumber .

Assembling their philosophies from pieces of broken memories .

Oh ohh oo ohh

Oh ohh oo ohh

Their gnashing teeth and criminal tongues conspire against the odds .

But they haven't seen the best if us yet .

If you love me let me go.

If you love me let me go." I sang I continues the song and eventually ended it as it came to a stop people were crying including the boys and mahogany

"We will miss you Bianca . hope you are happy with what you are doing ." everyone said.

"Well I got some

News ." Bart said as he came on stage .

"Magcon is ending this is the final magcon . we are sorry but it's over ." he said I didn't know that but I guess the others did .

Everyone began to cry them it was over magcon officially ended .

A/n damn this book is dramatic . hope you enjoyed I will upload this after cheer practice and volley ball practice love you guys then I will go see Matt then update hope you all enjoyed .

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