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   I woke up to my alarm blaring Taylor Swift music. It was 9am, and I did not want to get up, but I had to. Anna and I were going on Jimmy Kimmel today and I had to be ready by twelve.

   I showered, then raided my closet for something to wear. After about thirty minutes, I finally decided on a blue Sally Miller dress that had spaghetti straps and a cross-chest front. One of my favorite dresses. I picked out a pair of blue flats to go with it. I didn't have to dress up a lot because I wasn't the one on the show, but Anna still told me to look nice. I curled my hair and clipped it back with a blue flower pin.

   I walked down the stairs when I was done getting ready, and I saw Anna sitting in a chair getting her makeup up done by a tall redhead girl, and another brunette girl was laying out a dress and shoes.

   "Morning, sweetheart," Anna smiled at me. 

   "Oh, you must be Amelia!" The brunette approached me.

   "Yeah... and you are?" I took a step back.

   "Oh!" Anna stood up, pausing the girl doing her makeup. "Amy, this is my makeup artist, Sam." Anna pointed at the redhead woman, and she waved at me. "And this is my hair stylist, Carly, and she also picks out my dresses for occasions like this," she laughed, and the brunette waved at me. "Guys, this is my daughter, Amelia."

   "It's nice to meet you," I smiled.

   "You're very pretty," Sam complimented me.

   "Do you have makeup on?" Carly asked, and I shook my head. "Do you want me to do your makeup, just for fun? You don't need it, but I need something to do while Anna's getting her makeup done."

   I laughed and nodded. "Sure."

   Carly sat me down in a chair and carefully pulled my hair back so it wasn't in my face. She pulled out a makeup bag.

   "I thought I was the makeup artist," Sam joked.

   "You may be Anna's makeup artist, but I'm her makeup artist now," Carly laughed, starting with my eyeshadow. "When you get famous, I can be your makeup artist."

   "I'd like that," I smiled.

   Carly put eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara, blush, foundation, and pink lipstick on. She went light on everything because she kept saying how pretty I was, which only made me laugh.

   When Anna and I were both done getting our makeup done, Anna went to try on her dress. It was a black dress that hugged her waist, then was loose from the waist down.

   "Oh my God, you're gorgeous," I gushed when she came out of the bathroom.

   "Shut up." Anna rolled her eyes. 

   "Ready?" Carly asked us. 

   "Wait, we need a picture!" Anna quickly pulled out her phone and handed it to Sam. 

   Anna wrapped her arm around me and we both smiled while Sam pointed the camera at us. We heard the click and Anna took the phone back.

   "Thanks," we both smiled.

   Suddenly, there was a car horn that could be heard from outside. Anna took my hand and dragged me out the door.

   "Chill." I pulled my hand away from Anna when we approached the limo. "Why are we in such a rush?" I got into the limo and Anna climbed in, shutting the door behind her.

   "We're already running late because of traffic," Anna told me as the limo started to drive.

   As we got closer and closer to the studio, I felt butterflies in my stomach. I hadn't been nervous about this before, but it was hitting me that this was my first time going to a studio like this. A talk show.

   We parked and there were fans and paparazzi everywhere. I was kind of expecting this, so I wasn't shocked.

   Anna and I got out of the car, lead by her bodyguards. Anna stopped for pictures while I kind of just stood there and smiled.

   "Amelia!" I heard someone yelled. At first, I thought it was Anna, but it wasn't. "Amelia!"

   I looked over and saw a girl waving at me. I smiled and waved back, taken aback because no had ever recognized me in public before that.

   The girl said something again, but I couldn't hear her, so I walked over to listen.

   "What was that?" I asked.

   "Is it true? You're really Anna's daughter?" she smiled from ear to ear.

   "Yeah, it's true," I laughed. "I have Anna Kendrick's blood running through my veins."

   "That's so awesome!" She jumped up and down. "Can I get a picture with you?"

   "S-Sure," I stuttered, still smiling.

   The girl took out her phone and I stood next to her and smiled for the camera. Then, Anna and her bodyguards were calling me over.

   "I have to go. It was nice meeting you!" I smiled, running over, sliding my hand into Anna's as we walked into the building.

   "Oh my God, that was so awesome!" I squealed as we walked into the backstage area.

   "You just got noticed for the first time. How do you feel?" Anna asked in her gameshow voice.

   "Pretty great, actually." I nodded, smiling.

   "Anna, you're on in five minutes," a stage guy informed her.

   "Okay, come on." Anna held my hand and walked me to the wing of the stage so I could watch. 

   "Today, we have a very special guest..." Jimmy started, so Anna got ready to walk on. "Please welcome the one and only... Anna Kendrick!"

   The crowd cheered as Anna walked onto the stage, waving and smiling at the audience. She hugged Jimmy, then sat down in the chair next to him.

   "It's so great having you back!" Jimmy smiled at Anna.

   "It's great to be back," Anna responded, crossing one of her legs over the other.

   For a while, they just talked about Anna's upcoming movies and her past movies. They talked about her friendship with Blake Lively, about her newest movie, A Simple Favor, and more things that have been going on in her life. Then, it was the time I had been waiting for.

   "So, last week, you posted this on your Instagram..." Jimmy said, and the post of us from her Instagram was pulled up on the screen. "Is this your daughter?"

   Anna looked at the screen and smiled. "Yes, it is."

   "How did that happen?" 

   "I think that's a conversation you should've had with your parents, Jimmy," Anna joked, which made the audience laugh. "Well, when I had her, my career was just taking off, and I couldn't take care of her. I knew she deserved to be happy, and I couldn't give that to her at the time. But, she's here now and we're happy, and I love her." The audience awed, and I smiled to myself.

   "That's so sweet." Jimmy touched his chest. 

   They talked about me for a while, until it was time for Anna to come off stage. When she came backstage, I ran into her arms.

   "I love you too," I smiled.


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