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   It's almost 9am and I'm coming back from taking Rocky on his morning walk. I had to go out so early because today was the premiere for A Simple Favor 2, and I had to be back by nine.

   As I was walking up the driveway, I saw the makeup and hair stylists entering the house so I quickened my pace to get in.

   I released Rocky from his leash and headed over to the island, where Anna had a smoothie waiting for me, and I downed it. As the stylists were setting their stuff up, I ran to brush my teeth, then rushed back downstairs.

   They put me in a maroon dress that reached my knees with a sweetheart neckline, and matching heels. They curled my hair and pinned it into a half ponytail, and did my makeup as usual; light red lipstick, blush, foundation, red and white eyeshadow, mascara, and eyeliner.

   "You look so cute!" Anna complimented once I was done getting ready.

   "Thanks," I laughed. "You do too."

   "Picture time!" Sam, the makeup artist, exclaimed, taking my phone from me.

   Anna and I posed for a few pictures before we heard the limo outside. I took my phone, thanked the stylists, and followed Anna out the door.

   In the limo, Blake was in there as well because we rented the same limo. 

   "You guys look so pretty," Blake smiled as we climbed into the limo.

   I sat down and sighed, just looking at my phone.

   "Hey, you okay?" Anna touched my shoulder.

   I shrugged. "I just wish Wyatt was here."

   "I know," Anna sighed.

   "He's here in spirit," Blake tried, but I just gave her a weird.

   "Okay, but he's not dead," I laughed. "It's fine though. He's off doing what he loves, that's what matters."

   The whole way there, we talked and laughed and took videos for Instagram and Snapchat. When we pulled up to the premiere, there was press everywhere and fans waiting for us.

   As our escorts lead us toward the red carpet, fans were screaming our names. I waved at a group of girls that were yelling my name and they started going crazy, which made me laugh.

   Once we got onto the carpet, we were spread out so we could pose individually for the paparazzi. They got shots of me and Blake, shots of me and Anna, and shots of me by myself. Then, it was time for interviews.

   "Amelia, you look gorgeous," the reporter complimented me.

   "Thank you so much," I giggled.

   "What was your favorite part about filming the movie?" she asked, holding the microphone up to my ear.

   "Probably the friendships that were made and all of the funny moments, which will be on the blooper reel, and the blooper reel will be on the DVD," I laughed.

   "We'll be looking forward to that," she smiled at me. "How are you and Wyatt doing?"

   "We're doing great, thanks for asking!"

   "I'm so glad. You two are so cute."

   "Thank you so much!" I exclaimed.

   "I love your dress! Who made it?" 

   "This is a Tommy Hilfiger dress," I answered as the camera went down to get a better look at the outfit I was wearing.

   "I love it," she laughed. "Is there anything you wanna say about the movie before it's released?"

   "It's definitely a movie with a lot of twists, which makes it interesting. I would say this is a movie you wouldn't want to miss," I responded. "But, if you haven't seen the first one, go watch that first, or you'll be so lost."

   "Thank you for the insight," she said. "We'll let you go to your on your way. Thank you for talking with us."

   "Thank you for letting me talk to you," I laughed. "I hope you enjoy the movie!"

   I walked off to my other interviews, who asked me the same questions over and over, which got annoying, but I managed to keep the welcoming smile on my face. 

   At the end of the carpet, I took some more paparazzi pictures, and there was a place where fans were. There were fans holding signs with our faces on them and screaming our names. I ran over to take pictures with them, and then I saw a girl who was crying.

   "Hi," I smiled at her. "Why are you crying?"

   "I'm just so happy to be here and to be in the same place as you," she sobbed. "I would take a picture with you, but I'm a mess."

   "I can take a selfie on your phone!" I suggested, taking her phone from her, which made her and some others laugh. I took the picture and gave it back to her. "Thank you so much for coming."

   "Can I hug you?" she questioned.

   "Oh my God, yes!" I wrapped my arms around her gently.

   I walked down the line and took more pictures, until Anna lightly touched my arm, telling me it was time to go inside.

   I walked inside to see a big screen and people sitting in their spots. I walked down to the front and found my seat in between Anna and Blake

   While we were watching the movie, there were parts where we laughed, where we cried, and where we felt no emotion at all. It was just an emotional roller coaster.

   After the movie, it was time for the after party. People who had VIP tickets got meet and greets with me and Anna, though, so we had to stay behind and meet with our fans beforehand, which was worth being late to the party for, because we love meeting our fans.

   When we got to the after party, everyone was already dancing and drinking. Brittany was there too, since Anna invited her. 

   "Hey, babe." Brittany kissed Anna. "What took so long?"

   "We had to meet with fans who bought VIP tickets," I answered for Anna.

   I hung out with Anna, Blake, and Brittany for the majority of the party, but they all went to drink, except for Brittany because she was gonna drive us home, but she still went with them to have fun. 

   The rest of the party was kind of boring because I had no one to hang out with that was my age, so I just sat and ate food until Anna, Blake, and Brittany came back.


   It was about midnight when we got home, and Brittany and I helped Anna inside, since she was really drunk. We laid her in her bed and I just sighed.

   "I've never seen her get this drunk," I told Brittany, closing Anna's door behind me.

   "She's an adult," Brittany laughed, shrugging her shoulders. "She was just having fun."


   "Are you gonna be okay here?" she asked, standing up from her seat at the island.

   "Yeah, I'm just gonna go up to bed," I smiled. "Thanks for driving us, and thanks for coming to the premiere."

   I hugged her goodbye before running up the stairs to get ready for bed. I changed out of my dress and heels and into sweatpants and a tank top. I threw my hair into a bun, brushed my teeth, and was out like a light as soon as my head hit my pillow.

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