2. Crowd

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Yoongi hated having to constantly have someone with him. It was a nuisance to him. Especially when all he wanted to do was walk the streets alone like he was just another ordinary person. He wanted to feel normal. So he did the only thing he could think of.

He snuck out of his dorm.

It wasn't anything new. Yoongi would occasionally do this and would constantly get scowled for it but he didn't care. He just wanted to be able to have some freedom even if it was only a little bit. Plus the rapper rarely ever had problems. Usually he got to take advantage of the time and wonder around without a care.

Unfortunately it hadn't been one of those times.

"Fuck" he hissed peaking his head around the corner. His heart was racing in his chest at a rate that began to worry him it would lead to a heart attack.

He could hear the footsteps getting louder. He mumbled curse words under his breath as his eyes scanned around wildly until they finally landed on a cafe that was seemingly empty. He glanced around the corner one more time before pulling his hood over his head and speed walking to the said cafe, trying desperately to not catch their attention.

"There he is!" He heard a distant shout.

He ran the rest of the way to the Cafe. "Sorry we're closed." A voice followed the bell that signaled his entrance. The blonde haired male ignored the voice as he locked the door. "What are you doing?" He continued to ignore the stranger, racing to get to a place where people wouldn't be able to see him.

"Hello! You can't go back there" the stranger grabbed his wrist stopping him from going any further than the counter.

Yoongi's panic rose as he heard the chattering getting closer. "Look, I just need to hide so they don't see me." He eyes shifted between the large glass window and the male. "Please."

"I don't care. If my boss finds out you're in here I'll get fired so I'm gonna have to ask you to leave."

Yoongi didn't reply as he ducked down behind the counter just as the first flash went off. "He's in there! I saw him." Yoongi cringed hearing the shouting voice being thrown his way. He covered his ears trying to block out the sound.

The cafe worker's eyes widened at the sight. Outside the entrance were what seemed to be about twenty to thirty teenagers with their phone cameras pointed to the inside of the cafe along with a couple of men with professional looking cameras. "What the fuck?" He whispered glancing at the cowering boy. 'Who is he?'

He covered his face slightly not wanting to be caught in any of their videos or pictures. "I'm so gonna get fired." He whispered to himself before taking his jacket and holding it up like a wall to shield the blonde. "Stand up. I'll cover you." Yoongi did as instructed letting himself be directed towards the back area of the cafe.

The worker guided him into the staff break room closing the door behind them before tossing the jacket onto the table that sat in the middle.

"Thank you so much, um..." Yoongi trailed off finally taking a good look at his savior. The stranger had dark black hair that laid over his forehead, pretty brown eyes, plump lips, he was dressed in white shirt and black pants. He was pretty.

Could be a nice fuck. Yoongi couldn't help but think.

"Jimin." The raven haired male replied eyeing the blonde stranger. "Who were those people and why were they chasing you?"

Yoongi tilted his head to the side in confusion. "Do you not know who I am?"

The shorter of the two cocked an eyebrow. "No, should I?"

Yoongi scanned Jimin face for any sign of him kidding. "I'm Min Yoongi, Agust D." He said thinking the boy just didn't recognize him in person.

Jimin shrugged his shoulders shaking his head clearly not understanding who was standing in front of him. "I'm a rapper." Jimin's mouth formed an 'o'.

"So I'm guessing those were your fans." He did air quotes around 'fans'. The older nodded. "Most of them at least. Some might be paparazzi."

"If you're so famous shouldn't you have a bodyguard." Jimin squinted his eyes looking at him suspicious. The raven hair couldn't believe the man in front of him was actually a celebrity.

Yoongi sighed. "Yes but I don't like going out with them." He replied simply not finding it necessary to go into detail as to why.

Jimin glanced over at the shut door still hearing the commotion coming from outside. "That's really dangerous. They seem like they could do some damage."

The rapper only shrugged "they wouldn't hurt me. Not intentionally at least."

"How long do you think they'll be out there?" The shorter of the two asked slightly opening the door to to see that the crowd was still there. Yoongi took the opportunity to take a good look at the boys ass.

Yup he'd definitely be a good fuck. He thought. "I don't know. Until they realize I'm not coming out."

Jimin groaned. "I just want to go home."

"I mean you could. They're not after you." Jimin looked at him with a blank expression. "And leave you here alone. Yeah, no that's not gonna happen."

The rapper raised his eyebrows leaning against the table. "I'm offended. You don't trust me."

The raven haired rolled his eyes. "Yes totally. I trust a stranger that I just met." His voice oozed with sarcasm.

"I'm not just anyone. Why would I rob anything in this place, I definitely don't need the money. But what if that's what you want then you're stuck here with me." The idol said. He smirked looking the shorter up and down. "I mean we could always have a little fun while we are stuck here." He said taking a step closer to the worker.

Jimin's eyes widened and he quickly raised his hand to stop the celebrity from getting any closer. "No!" He screeched. "We just met like five minutes ago."

Yoongi licked his lips. "So?" He took a step closer. Jimin backed away.

"Calm your hormones. Sit over there. There will be no 'having fun'"

He took a seat where the raven hair had ordered. Yoongi couldn't help but feel amused.


this chapter was pretty stupid lmao. I swear the first couple of chapters are always the hardest for me to write .

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