11. Three months later

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OfficialAgustD Only two more days. Can't wait to see your beautiful faces

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_min_Agust_D crying because I'm too broke to see you 😭😭
Agust_Baby I don't see you for another five months 🙃


Three months. It had been three full months since Yoongi had heard from Jimin.

It had been a long three months. That was certain. For the first month Yoongi had tried for so long to try to contact Jimin but the male was avoiding him. He tried texting countless apologies for the incident. When his text messages were left on seen he tried calling him. When his calls were ignored he tried visiting his apartment but the door would never open no matter how long he stood there.

Fuck Park Jimin. He wasn't worth the effort. He was just some ordinary boy. He wasn't rich. He wasn't famous. He was a nobody. So why was Yoongi trying so hard? Why was he wasting his time?

It was like a mantra Yoongi would repeat in his head every time he had the urge to try calling again. It was his answer to when anyone would ask him where Jimin was after they realize he wasn't spending time with the cafe worker anymore. They could all see how much Jimin had made an impact on Yoongi's life. When Jimin was around Yoongi had suddenly stopped sleeping around. His attitude had changed for the better. But now with Jimin gone...

Everything was like before. If not worse. No one could have a conversation with Yoongi without him snapping at them at least once. He would go clubbing and picking up girls and guys to take back to a hotel ever other night for a month straight. It had been on one of his night rendezvous that he had missed a call from the cafe worker, by the time he tried calling back he received no answer. He began to drink a lot more than he had ever in his entire life. But if anyone asked him what was going on he'd just tell them to fuck off and mind their own business.

The one good thing, at least for his fans and company, was that Yoongi had pushed aside the idea of quitting. He had his comeback and was now preparing for his tour. Was he happy with everything? Absolutely not. But it was a great distraction to the ache he felt in his chest.

"Yoongi you need to take a break." Hoseok shouted over the overly loud music. Yoongi ignored him continuing to move to the music. "Yoongi!" He rolled his eyes as he gave up and simply unplugged the speaker. Much to his dismay the idol only mumbled the lyrics as he continued his movements. "You're going to over work yourself if you keep this up." Hoseok, of course, loved that Yoongi had been putting a lot more effort in his dances but the celebrity had been going at it none stop for hours without a break. The dancer feared the man would collapse soon from over exhaustion.

"Leave me alone. I need to get this down before the tour starts." He was very obviously out of breath.

"You won't be able to go on tour if you're in the hospital." His comment went unnoticed. "Jimin wouldn't want you doing this to yourself." He mumbled walking out of the room. There was no point in arguing with Yoongi. It was like talking to a wall.

The idol only stopped when he began to feel light headed. He sat on the floor just staring at his sweaty reflection.

"I'm not going to let some stupid guy ruin me." He mumbled to himself. Why was he so worked up over some guy? He could have anyone he wanted. Fuck Park Jimin. He pulled out his phone scrolling to find the cute cafe workers contact before blocking it and promising himself to never think of him again.


"This one is cute." Jimin mumbled looking closely at the computer screen. Taehyung hummed in agreement but not actually looking at the item. "It'll look good with my room." The older continued to mumble more to himself than to Taehyung.

Taehyung sighed shaking his head. "You need to tell him."

Jimin clenched his jaw but said nothing as he continued to scroll through the online store. "He has the right-"

"I was attacked by his fans." The raven hair paused looking at his best friend.

"They didn't even know for certain if I was even dating him. If they did that for some stupid rumor imagine what they would do if they found out I was having his baby." Taehyung stayed silent. "It's just not safe."

"But you're going to need help Jimin."

"No I don't." Jimin snapped. "I don't need his help. I can and will do it on my own." He stared at Taehyung with a sharp expression. The red head stared back with a blank expression. "I just think it's not right to keep a father clueless about their child."

"You know what Taehyung why don't you go." Jimin huffed getting off the couch to walk to his room. Taehyung groaned standing to follow the pregnant human.

"Okay. I'm sorry. I'll stop talking about it." It was an empty promise Taehyung would make each time Jimin would get too angry with him. Jimin had to tell Yoongi. Taehyung knew that the moment that child began to question who his father was Jimin would regret never telling Yoongi.


Okay so I'm sorry for this shitty update I literally don't know I had writers block. Also sorry it took me so long to update...

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