6. Rumors

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*not edited*

Two months.

It's been two months since Yoongi started to see Jimin. Things were great between them. They saw each other on every one of Yoongi's free days which he was beginning to have less and less of due to preparation for his comeback.

The cafe worker of course tried to be understanding. He knew the idols career came first but it did get a little annoying when they would have to cancel their date. It happened more often then he would have wished.

Yoongi 🤤:

I'm really sorry but I'm gonna have to take a rain check on tonight something came up in my schedule.

Jimin sighed disappointed. He replied that it was fine before putting his phone back into his pocket.

"Tae?" The red head hummed taking his attention off the television for less than a second to glance at the raven hair. "What do you know about Agust D?"

"The rapper?" Taehyung asked. He noticeably got excited over the mention of the boy. His attention was now fully on his friend. Jimin nodded leaning back on the couch cushion. "Oh god. I love him. He's amazing." The man gushed practically bouncing in his seat. "Hands down my favorite rapper. Are you getting into his music?"

Jimin shook his head. "Not really I just heard about him a couple days ago and was curious." He lied. He trusted his best friend, he did, but he was far from ready to tell people he was seeing thee Min Yoongi. He had decided he would only do that if they made things official which they hadn't yet.

Taehyung gasped dramatically pulling his phone out of his jacket."Y-you've never heard of Agust D." Taehyung looked at him like Jimin had just told him he had kicked a puppy. "Jimin, oh my god I got to educate you." He said typing quickly on the phone screen.

"Just look how sexy he is." He showed Jimin multiple photos of the idol. Jimin had to stop himself from drooling at how good the older looked in each of the photos. "I swear he was hand crafted by god himself. No, no I take it back he is a god. There is no way a normal human is that gorgeous."

"His music is pure art. He just had a way with words and don't even get me started on how hot his voice is." The boy continued to gushed over his favorite idol. For the next couple of hours they spent their time watching music videos, dance practices, fancams, and funny moments. Jimin could only laugh whenever the younger would make sexual comments about the idol. There was a couple times when the younger would say things about the man being good with his tongue or how he seemed to be gifted with his fingers.

The comments didn't bother Jimin. He found it amusing especially knowing very well that he could easily find out if either of those things were true. The pair hadn't done anything sexual per Jimin's request. The cafe worker didn't want to rush things, he's had a bad experience that made him think twice before even thinking about being intimate with someone. He wanted to make sure that the idol wasn't simply seeing him for his body. Now two months in Jimin was almost ready to take the leap.

Well he had almost been ready that was until Taehyung began to speak about Yoongi's reputation.

"Ugh he's so sexy no wonder he's getting that good suck all the time." Taehyung mumbled staring at the computer screen. They were watching a video titles 'Agust D cute vs. sexy moments'.

The older furrowed his eyebrows at the comment. "What do you mean by that?" Taehyung paused the video turning to his friend.

"Agust D is kind of know for being a player. He's in a new relationship like every other month." Taehyung said quickly looking it up to prove his point. All he had to do was look up 'Agust D dating' and article after article popped up.

Agust D dating model and actress Lee Sung-kyung
Published: January 5

KQ trainee Song Mingi rumored to be dating Agust D
Published: June 19

Agust D seen on date with rapper Park Chanyeol
Published: July 27

Agust D dating Suran. Fell in love the midst of making a song together
Published: October 1

Agust D rumored to be dating bodyguard
Published: December 10

15 people Agust D has dated
Published: December 13

Agust D dating mystery man
Published: February 16

"There are so many." Jimin mumbled seeing the many dating rumors.

Taehyung nodded. "Yeah." He points to the most recent one. "He been seen with this guy recently but no one knows who he is." he clicked on the link. Pictures of Yoongi and Jimin popped up on the screen.

In the photo Jimin was wearing a face mask and a hat making his eyes the only thing visible. It had been one of the rare times that the pair went out in public. In the pictures they could be seen walking in and out of a restaurant. Jimin remembered how they had only gone out that day to pick up food since the restaurant didn't do deliveries and he didn't want to bother anyone by making them go so instead the pair just made the trip themselves. Yoongi had made the younger conceal himself in fear of people taking photos at the time Jimin had thought he was being a bit over the top. He believed that no one would bother taking a picture of him but know he understood the idol's concern.

"Do you think he's actually dated all these people?" Jimin asked. Taehyung shrugged his shoulders. "Only he and the people in his life would actually know."

That night the only thing on his mind was Yoongi. He couldn't help but wonder if it was all true. Was Yoongi just playing him? Was he gonna get hurt? He already had feeling for the boy but they weren't extremely strong yet, so Jimin was just on time to get out before Yoongi had the opportunity to play and break his heart.

But at the same time he didn't want to believe the rumor. People made things up or just assumed things about celebrities all the time. For all he knew everything could be a lie and people made his friendships seem like something more.

Jimin bite his lips thinking if he should believe all the rumors or if he should give the man a chance and find out for himself. Was it worth the risk?

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