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I hear the digital sobs ring out.
The virus had spread, a generation destroyed.
The infection of technology, a deadly parasite.
My grandmother told me she is growing concerned,
She sees robots more often than people.
It was once but a game, a distraction of sorts.
Technology was our best friend, we were never seen apart.
It gave us comfort in our times of need,
It gave us a companion comfort when we were bullied.
We thought it brought us closer together,
But we were drifting apart.
Where we once would run and climb a tree,
Now sits a parking lot.
We once would look up at the sky and see the sunset glow.
Now we stare down at our phones and look at a video.
We once would give a big high five, and wish them happy birthday.
Now we smile through emojis and send a Jif instead of words.
We drive to places we could easily walk, all for the sake of convenience.
But the gas in our cars pollutes the air, I can barely breathe.
You can barely breath
We struggle to breathe and are necks have a permanent 90°,
But that's ok, we will make new technology to fix that too.
Say isn't it funny, this poem dissing technology, was written on a screen.
We can fix lots of problems with our technology,
But I'm sorry grandmother, I think technology is the one problem we can't fix.

All rights reserved -Indigo

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