fallin all in you

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Harrison's eyes blinked open, only to be met with the blinding sun that was pouring into the bedroom, covering every inch of it in golden sunlight. He didn't have any blinds in his room, so it was the same every day, but that didn't make it any less jarring each morning. And it certainly didn't help the pounding in his head from the night before. The night before, in which he'd had a little too much to drink, and then admitted to you - the person he was supposed to hate - that he liked you. The night before, in which you'd ended up kissing... more than once. The night before, in which you'd ended up back at his place. And it all led to the morning, with the sun blinding him as you slept on his chest.

He wasn't sure what had come over him; why he'd finally admitted that he liked you and then fucking kissed you. It wasn't like him, but in all honesty, it was worth it. It was worth it to wake up with you in his bed, against his bare chest. Your cheek was pressed to his chest, just underneath his collarbone and near his shoulder. One of your arms was slung over his waist as you slept, and your lips were parted slightly as you slept. Harrison could feel your warmth against his body, and he wanted to stay in that moment forever. His hand rested against your hip, slipping underneath the t-shirt of his you'd thrown on after your late night activities.

His fingers traced shapes into your soft skin as he watched you sleep. He knew it was probably a bit creepy, but you looked like an angel with the sunlight illuminating your face perfectly. Harrison didn't know what would happen once you woke up - whether or not this had been a one-night thing - so he didn't want to waste any moment, he wanted to soak in this one for as long as he could. One of his hands lifted, hesitating before he brushed his fingers through your hair softly, his lips brushing over your forehead in a soft kiss. You stirred in your sleep but didn't wake up, only cuddling further into Harrison's chest. Your fingers spread out on his chest, your body pressing closer to his.

It was warm in the sunlight and underneath the covers with you pressed against his body, but Harrison didn't mind. He didn't move as he waited for you to wake up, and finally, your eyes blinked open slowly. The confusion on your face was evident as you glanced around, wondering where you were. Harrison didn't move or say anything - even going so far as to hold his breath - not wanting to freak you out.

Ever so slowly, your eyes drifted up to his face as you realized where you were; as you realized you were laying on Harrison's chest, both of you practically naked. You were supposed to despise the boy, but here you were, in his bed. Your eyes met Harrison's striking blue ones, causing him to suck in a sharp breath, breathing out a hesitant "hey" as he pulled his perfect bottom lip between his teeth. Your eyebrows raised, and Harrison didn't quite know how to take that.

Neither did you, to be quite honest. Normally, you'd feel a surge of annoyance and anger flood through your body when you had to interact with Harrison. Yet somehow, you only felt comforted. His eyes were soft, his touch against your skin even softer, as he gazed down at you. Last night you'd assumed (though a little bit drunkenly) that this would be a one night stand, but you usually didn't stay long enough to wake up on the other person's chest. Clearly, you had changed your mind about him. You didn't know what any of it meant, but you had an overwhelming urge to lean up and kiss him.

Eyes locked with his, one of your hands still resting against his bare chest, you leaned up slightly. Your eyes only closed as the tip of your nose brushed against his, and you could feel his breath against your lips. It was still for a few moments as neither of you dared to move, but finally, your lips brushed over his. It was soft and hesitant - drastically different than what you'd remembered from the night before. Harrison's hands shifted, one of his hands moving to your hip, pulling your body in closer to his. Somehow, it felt as if this was meant to be happening. Your body fit perfectly against his, and the kiss was beyond magical.

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