Chapter 3 ~ A Slave Or Something More

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Gage's p.o.v

I finally decided to go get a new blood slave. I made my way out of my house and over to my blue corvette zr1. I opened up the drivers side door and climbed in, starting the ignition.

~skip boring car ride~

Ten minutes later I pulled up to my destination, the Slave Caverns. I parked my car and shoved my keys in my pants pocket. Hopefully they have some cute and tasty guys. As I walked inside I heard that the auction had already started. Figures, I'm late, as always. I walked over to a seat near the back and waited. Some girl with curly brown hair was just sold.

"Next up we have slave number three!" The guy on stage said. I guess he runs these auctions. I watched as yet another girl came on stage. She was looking around at anything and everything she could. I was busy examining the girl to even realize that she was already walking off stage to her new master. "Now we have slave number four." the announcer said. I watched as a cute boy walked onto the stage while looking at his feet. A strong, sweet scent filled my nose and it must have been the boys blood.

"Ladies and gentleman this is Aiden. He is 16 years old. We will be sending around a blood sample for everyone to try," the guy on the stage said. Man that boy was adorable. He was so tiny also which made him even more adorable. "Sample sir?" somebody questioned me from behind. I turned around and shook my head yes. They took out a vile of blood and put a drop of the contents onto my finger and I nodded a thanks. I brought my finger up to lips and tasted the blood and my god he is delicious! I want him. No I need him. 

"Alright the bid shall begin at ten thousand dollars," the announcer called and my hand, plus five others, flew into the air. After the bid got to ninety thousand dollars it was just me and two other people. I watched as one of them raised their bid up to one hundred thousand and I quickly brought it up to one hundred and thirty thousand. This boy had to be mine! We both started to raise the bets higher and higher until we reached one hundred and seventy thousand. By this time the other person gave up and the other looked like he was about to give in. I watched as he slowly raised his bid to one hundred and seventy five thousand. Of course I raised my bid up to one hundred and eighty thousand. "Going once...going twice...sold to the man in the back!" Yes! I won! He is mine! I can't wait to drink from him and do...unmentionable things ;)

As he walked towards me I realized how short he really was compared to me. I also noticed he had dazzling blue-green eyes and snakebites. "Hi. Are you ready to go?" I asked Aiden. He silently shook his head yes and we made our way to my car. I made sure to hold his hand in case he tried to run and I noticed he was blushing a deep red. I watched as he tried to cover his face with his hand, aware of my staring. I quickly grabbed his wrist and pulled it away from his face. "Your blush is adorable. There is no need to hide it." I told him, which resulted in him blushing even more, if that was even possible.

We finally made it over to my car and I opened the passenger door for Aiden and he gave me a small nod. Then I went to the other side of the car and climbed in also. "Well I'm glad I beat all the other bidders. Now I get to keep you all for myself" I told him with a wink. Of course his response was turning deep red again. I fished the keys out of my pocket and started up the car. "My names Gage by the way." I told the boy and that's when we left. Every few seconds I would steal a look at Aiden. Gosh he's adorable. After a silent ten minute ride we arrived back at my house. I opened up the gates and then closed them once we were through.

I watched Aiden's eyes widen at the sight of my house. I had to admit my house was pretty nice. In the front yard it had a nice garden and the whole thing was made out of light bricks. "Do you like it?" I asked the wide eyed, gaping boy. He shook his head furiously and I smiled. I took ahold of the boys hand again and lead him up the few steps to get into the house.

Aiden's p.o.v

His house was amazing! And he is really cute and seems nice. I might like it here. That depends on what slaves have to do? I should probably ask him. 

I looked up at him and seen that he was admiring his house. I softly pulled on his sleeve and made a motion of writing on my hand. It took him awhile before he understood that I wanted to write something. He left and quickly returned with a notebook and pen. "So you're a mute?" he asked. I shook my head yes and then he asked me if i was gay or bi. That was kind of um random? I wrote down 'gay' on the notebook and I seen him smile widely. I wrote out 'what do slaves do?' on the paper and held it up to him. "Well since we are vampires we use the slaves for their blood so that way we don't have to hunt for our next meal. Some vampires also use slaves as help around the house or for their own sexual pleasure." he said and then winked at me with the last comment. I felt my face heat up and I turned my head towards my feet as they were more interesting now. I felt a hand reach down and gently grab my chin and made me look up. I was confronted with beautiful brown eyes. "Don't hid that cute face of yours." he said then lent down and kissed my cheek. Yeah I think I'll like it here.

~so chapter 3! Everything is all rainbows and sunshines for gage and aiden. Looks like someone's going to have to change that soon 😝 oh and Gage's house is over in the side. Isn't it pretty!?!?

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