Part 19: Grumbling Volcano

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3rd Person:

The overwhelming heat hit Keith like a brick wall. Almost immediately he was sweating bullets and was panting from the humidity. "Lava" was bubbling and when they popped the liquid spewed in every direction. Pidge had already taken shelter behind a rock and Hunk was on the opposite side of the path hiding behind a larger rock.

Before he could process his surroundings purple paintballs flew past his head, barely missing his deep black locks. Keith quickly dived next to Pidge behind the rock and holding his gun close to his chest.

"What are we gonna do?" Keith yelled over the blaring shots and machinery making the effects.

"I don't know?! I thought you had a plan!" The smaller one explained with a worried tone.

"How about this..." Keith began. He told her the plan in full detail on what she should do and after telling Hunk over the hand held radio they went into action.

Keith jumped out from behind the rock and shot the three men guarding the crystal. Hunk shot one that was aiming from behind and Pidge got another from a sniper point at the top of a "mountain".

Just as Keith got up to the crystals' podium the ground beneath him turned bright red. The ground started to shake and it cracked revealing the spewing lava beneath. Sections of the floor broke off into little islands. Keith's position allowed him to jump to the platform with the crystal almost immediately.

"Here we go." Keith exclaimed while wiping his forehead. He grabbed the crystal off the podium making it glow a brilliant blood red.

Suddenly the sealing went from the active volcano red to a solid green signaling that the mission was complete. The ground moved back to its original positions and the door that they entered opened to reveal Adam standing there with his arms crossed.

"Good job guys. I think that's a new record for the Volcano Region. Now if you'll hand me the crystal I can get the next terrain ready for you guys." Adam smiled as the group walked back to the entrance.

"Here ya go." Keith plopped the gem into his hands and mimicked dusting his hands off.

"Thanks. Well guys it's gonna be a bit before the next zone is ready to play in so you got about an hour before it's ready. You can do what ever you want in the mean time. Just stay within Garrison boundaries." The tan boy smiled and placed his hands on his hips.

The trio nodded and left the room to the lounge. They sat down on one of the couches facing a television.

"Well, what do you want to do?" Keith asked.

"MiLkShAkEs!" Pidge screeched almost instantly. Keith and Hunk jumped back in surprise at the sudden outburst but settled back down.

"Uh sure I guess. We can head down to the cafeteria for a bit to get some lunch. But after I want practice in the shooting range." The black haired boy concluded.

"I agree. I need to sharpen my skills too." Hunk commented.

Pidge's POV:

Just because I was smaller than my friends didn't mean I was slower than them when walking to the kitchen. In fact, he ground flew beneath me as I sprinted to the cafeteria.

"Pidge stop!" I heard Keith yell in the distance.

The silver doors came upon my vision faster than I expected and I quickly stopped near centimeters from the cold metal.

"Pidge!...stop...moving...please!" Hunk panted as he caught up. "Oh gosh gimme a sec." The boy bent over and placed his hands on his knees. After a couple seconds he calmed down and stood back up. "Dude you can't run ahead like that!"

"I know." I grinned. "But I wanted my milkshake."

"But you could have gotten hurt." Keith explained coming up from behind Hunk.

"Whatever. Now can we get some food 'cuz I'm starving!" I jumped.

"Well we can't get any just standing here." Hunk said.

We walked into the large room filled with tables and chairs. Staff and costumers filled the tables creating a soft humming of white noise. The shades of grey complimented the orange and white on the walls. I ran up to the opening where a man with light skin and brown hair standing on end with a bald spot on the top stood.

"Hey Sal! Whatcha got for us today?" I asked as I stopped right in front of the counter.

"Oh hey guys, want the usual?" Sal asked while leaning on the counter with his arms folded.

"Yes please!"

"One large peanut butter and chocolate swirl milkshake with extra whip with chocolate chips and peanut butter sauce; one large banana and strawberry milkshake with whip cream and strawberry sauce; and finally, one small strawberry chunk with whip and chocolate sauce!" Sal gasped after calling the order.

"That's us!" I practically kept up from my chair and ran over to the counter. I grabbed the tray with our drinks and swiftly made my way back to my seat. Keith was playing on his phone and Hunk was folding the napkins into little cranes.

"Oh finally!" Keith grabbed his small drink from the silver plate and began to gulp it down.

"Thank the ancients I thought it would never come with all the commotion!" Hunk grabbed his banana drink and did the same.

"Oh by the way, Lance and Allura will be joining us in a moment. There was a bit of a hold up in the travel situation." Keith looked up from his phone.

"Not just in a moment, cuz the Calvary has arrived!" An all too familiar voice called out from behind me.


Yellow my fellow paladins it Prezident_Taquito back it again with not the white vans but another chapter for yall! I saw how exited you were all about the next arch and I couldn't wait to write the newest chapter of this book! I've been swamped with school work and and work for an event that I am apart of at my school. But I managed to get this out on time this week!

Not much to say this week but I love you guys and I will see you next time!

<3 Prezident_Taquito

Somebody That I Used To Know (KLANCE BROTP AND VOLTRON SQUAD HIGHSCHOOL AU)Where stories live. Discover now