Kiss And Tell

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origin story

SECTION ONE ! origin story

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elyse raphaelle argent

just a femme

twenty one

she is currently working in a comic book store, as well as a waitress at her abuela's restaurant, but she has bigger dreams she's hoping to make come true.

kathryn bernardo

SECTION TWO ! behind the mask

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behind the mask

personalitynamed for an angel, it should be ironic that elyse raphaelle argent is finding her way on the ground

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named for an angel, it should be ironic that elyse raphaelle argent is finding her way on the ground. she's the type of person to go all out singing lost in japan in her room, or serenade her friend as loudly and embarrassingly as possible as they stroll down the hallway. sometimes she puts on her jams and pretends she's in a movie, other times she asks herself what a fictional character would do in certain situations. she's a klutz. yes, absolutely clumsy. there's only a few times where she can be considered graceful, if she's honest with herself. oh, and total nerd alert! yeah, she's a geek and she's proud of that fact. why hide how smart she is? now, i know what you're thinking. 'oh my god, mari, you're literally going through with the wattpad nerd stereotype! 1!11!' so that's wrong. elyse is actually a very good speaker. she can fake confidence if need be, but for the most part, she's comfortable with who she is. she's not the type of person to dress up every day and try to look good because she knows she can pop out when she needs to. she loves to joke around and mess with people, her playful sarcasm coming as comedic relief a lot of the time, which she's okay with. she's got a great sense of humor, even if it includes corny/dad jokes some of the time. she tried not to be contradictory or hypocritical but it happens occasionally, as does with everyone. she has a strong inner voice, but she's somewhat of a pushover for those she loves. she spoils them rotten at every chance she gets, in her own little ways. yep, she's a fangirl, not afraid to get excited. and yep, she can certainly be considered an emotional person. she'd rather in touch with her emotions actually; she feels a lot of things. head over heels in love with love, absolutely, but she's also a great friend. she's there for you no matter what! sometimes her heart gets in the way of her brain, and that's led to a few quarrels and troublesome situations brought from good intentions but she at least tries to keep it together. she's trying not to be a mess. some days it works, some days it doesn't, but no matter what, she always gets back up again. she's brave, but not fearless. she has to be, considering what she wants to do in life. she accepts her fear and tries to use it, but she will never back down from a situation. if everyone else is running away from danger, she might take a few steps forwards. she'll jump headfirst if she knows she can help, but she also grapples with not worsening anything. she tries to find balance in all aspects of her life, but if someone she loved is in trouble, there isn't anything capable of standing in her way. she's a mix of a lot of stuff. she's actually kind of quirky, and she's a major nonconformist. elyse does not like doing things everybody else's way. she wants to make her own path, blaze her own trail. she doesn't want to be another carbon copy in a picture perfect plastic world, and if that gets her branded as a weirdo, she's embracing it. she has no problem going against the grain and will do so publicly without shame. she's a dreamer for sure. she isn't afraid to get lost inside of her head and dream up wild fantasies and situations, but she also keeps it realistic too. because of this, she is an incredibly hardworking individual. even so, elyse is also a work in progress. she can be forgetful, overdramatic, and when she gets too caught up in a moment, bad things can happen. when she gets sad she prefers to suffer in silence, and when she gets angry, she goes off. she tries her hardest to stay calm but once something snaps it's hard to go back to that. but true anger from her is truly rare — while the world has many injustices and she tries to do things about it, as far as personal matters go, she tries to let those slide off. if you wrong her, it isn't forgiven and forgotten. she'll be colder, more cautious, wary of you as opposed to welcoming you back with open arms. she tries to tell the truth a lot; white lies are weaved by her on occasion, but for the most part, she's an open book with nothing to hide. elyse is a hodgepodge of subjects all lodged into one girl. she's strange, determined, real. but most of all, she's alive.

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