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To say you were excited was an understatement since you were going to see Sho, Toshi and the kids. It was a shame that Mic and Midnight couldn't come however, since your trip to Japan you've been more in contact with them.

The one that surprised you the most was that since what happened to you in Hosu, Enji Todoroki had also kept in touch, mostly paranoid that you would steal his son for your agency but also to check in.

The week seemed to fly by and to be honest, you had Seb help you organise the schedules and sleeping arrangements for everyone at your huge apartment. What you didn't know was that Seb had arranged for the school to allow the students and their teachers to come a day earlier.

It was about 6 pm in the evening and you had decided to have a big work out session in your home gym as you had been training a lot especially since your near death. Absolutely sweating in the LA heat, even though your A/C is on the work out is intense as your working out using your quirk turning to different materials and seeing how you can push yourself.

Due to this, you have your (h/c) in a messy bun on top of your head, an (f/c) sports bra and (f/c) shorts on. They're that short they may as well be pants in all honesty! Seb had said he was busy making last-minute arrangements today, so apart from the odd text you hadn't heard from him, however, this wasn't unusual he was the best sidekick you had.

You decide to finish your intense work out by running on the treadmill when you hear your phone ringing. Starting to run you accept the call not noticing the name on the screen.

"Hello Camo speaking how can I help?" you state in your posh telephone voice.

"My My (f/n) you don't normally use that voice. You should do it more often," you instantly knew the stuck-up gruff voice on the other end of the phone.

"Well, well if it isn't little Enji Todoroki. How may I be of service to you today?" you said in the most sarcastic tone possible, but you were slightly out of breath from working out.

"Firstly, babe what are you doing? You sound out of breath." Enji fires back in an excited voice.

"Oh, you know I saw your name and started to flick my bean." you spit out making the guy choke on the other end of the phone. "Seriously though don't call me BABBEEEE we're not at school I told you no is no, you stupid flame brain! I'm on the treadmill working out." you sounded almost bored, to be honest.

You hadn't realised that whilst you were working out that your guest had arrived and was making their way to the gym to surprise you, but you were that into the working out and speaking to Endeavour you didn't notice.

"Aww don't be so cruel unless you want me to punish you like the old days. You got to admit we got up to crazy things in bed bet you still love it dirty." the man clearly cannot get over the old times. You just shake your head not realising your boyfriend, your old friend and his students were standing in shock listening.

"Seriously Enji. what the fuck did you call for you're ruining my work out and dream on sweetheart it isn't happening again. There is only one person I think about being that dirty with and that's...." you're literally stopped mid-sentence when you hear someone clear their throat. You don't turn to look as you assume it's Seb.

"Seb two seconds!" holding your hand up.

"Anyway, Enji as I said before what you call for it best be work-related or you still going on about me trying to steal your son from you...." someone clears their throat again as you turn in the direction and see everyone staring at you stunned some of the boys a little excited, Sho looks pissed.

"Wow hey! Err Enji I have visitors, so if you didn't have anything important I gotta go bye." Not even giving him to chance to respond you hung up and slowed the treadmill down, wiping your brow with a towel and drinking water. "Hey everyone, sorry about that you know what it's like crazy ex-boyfriend... Wow, this is awkward!" you say whilst stretching out your muscles you just worked out.

Broken Heart! Shota Aizawa x Reader. (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now