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Waking up the next morning you felt the arms still holding you close as if you would break if he let go. 

"Morning, Shosho." snuggling your face into the chiselled chest of the man who drew you even closer to him.

"Morning (f/n). You ok?" he mumbled sleepily into your hair taking in your scent, not truly convinced that this wasn't all in his head.

"Yes, thank you." angling your face to look up into his. "Are you ok? I shou..." before you can finish his dry lips are on your slightly parted ones. It was a short kiss as he pulled away.

"We're a team, Mrs Aizawa." smiling as he began stroking your face before you both took full advantage of the kids still not being awake, and two became one. 

After that, the two of you seemed even closer to anyone that knew the two of you, for the rest of the week it wasn't unnoticed the way you'd steal kisses when you thought no one was looking and holding hands when watching the kids' practice sessions.

It was fun spending time with the class, but also getting quality time with just you and your new husband. Unfortunately, there were times you had to work, so they would either be left to their own devices or someone else from your agency was looking after them.

Over the week it became very clear that Shota wanted you to go back to Japan with him, to move in together so you could work out what to do together. He didn't like the idea of leaving you in the States, especially after the League of Villains had clearly marked you a target. However, you convinced him you would be fine, but you had also been in discussions with the Japanese hero agencies about opening a branch back near U.A.

The plan was for Seb to run the agency in LA and liaise with you in Japan. Since he could portals the idea was for him to come to a location and spend time there so that he could then portal from the States and Japan. To say he was other the moon that you trusted him, to be your partner, as he was becoming a full Pro was an understatement.

At the end of the day, even though you and he had sexual relations in the past you were like family. The two of you would do anything for the other and would never betray each other's trust no matter what situation you were in. That included him not informing your husband of your plan to move back to your home in Japan so that the two of you could be close to each other after being apart for too long. It was also so that you could have a family, whether that be through successful treatment or by means of adoption.

At the end of the week, you were sad to be stood at LAX airport having to say goodbye to your husband, your best friend Toshinori and the class of 1-A. Of course, none the wiser that you had planned to move to Japan and was already considering taking a few of them under your wing for working internships since you had the right licences to do so.

Seb and a few others such as Tech Guy, Lady Mist and the Ninja bros had also accompanied them to the airport to make sure that not only they got on the plane no problem but also, they had all become attached to the group of very unusual and different kids.

Letting them all check-in, you waited with your team as you all surveyed the area, just in case Grey or any of the other members of the League were going to make their presence known. The five of you had also gotten permission to accompany the group through security and stay till their plane left to take them back home before they would no doubt be suffering from the training Aizawa and Vlad had planned for classes A and B on their training summer camp.

Of course, he had been sworn to secrecy on the location of the camp but had asked for ideas on how to help the kids to develop their quirks. Since now they had only been building their strength up, but their quirks had not improved at all, so the purpose of the camp was to help them to push past their limits.

Broken Heart! Shota Aizawa x Reader. (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now