Vikklan- Kitten

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Vikk's P.O.V.

I tucked my tail underneath me, curling up in the corner of the box, pushing myself underneath the blanket they had given me. I mewled pathetically, I was cold and tired, barely able to keep my eyes open anymore and sometimes, I wanted to close my eyes and never wake up.

I let out another high pitched mewl as the box opened and a hand came in, picking me up and gently began examining me. I mewled and squirmed, wanting them to put me down. They were huge compared to me, I could see their face in front of me and although I had had interactions with humans as a cat before, not many had ever picked me up.

"Alright this one's a wee boy, about 3 months old. He's not great with humans, we think he was probably born to stray and he either got lost or is the only survivor Been here for a few days, just got his blood results back."

I was handed off to someone else who gently began petting my back, setting me down on the table in front of them. I wandered around for a few seconds before they gently pinched the scruff of my neck, sticking a needle into me and pushing some sort of liquid inside of me.

I yowled and tried to scratch the person holding the needle, but they simply held me up to their chest, comforting me.

"He'll be okay, keep him warm and give him some food and water. He should be into a new home pretty quickly, kittens are normally the first to go. He'll be out fast, now that we know his blood tests are negative so just put him on the adoption floor tonight."

The person gently cradled me in their arms and carried me as they walked, out onto a new floor that I had never been on. I was placed into a new box, with a little nest of blankets in a cat bed, a scratching post and with a glass front for observation.

"Hang on little buddy, you'll be out soon." They gently clipped a collar around my neck, the one that I had been dragging along the ground when I had been found. The name on the collar read Vikk.


I rolled over, thinking about everything. I wasn't exactly a kitten, I had a human form that I was normally in, at least until my parents kicked me out of the house. Since then I had stayed in my kitten form, which never changed as I didn't age as a cat, and had gotten caught and placed in an animal shelter.

I might have only been 16 but my parents thought I could go on my own, especially after they found out that I could shapeshift. I hated them for it and ran far away, never leaving my kitten form because I didn't want to be in human form. I much preferred it as a kitten.

People were wandering past my little box, some of the younger children stopping to look at me every now and again. I wandered around, climbed the scratching post, fought with the blankets, that sort of thing until I noticed one boy had stopped and was staring at me.

I crawled off the cat bed and wandering close to him, looking up and into his eyes. He was about my eyes in human years, maybe 16 years old and he was very beautiful, tall with bright blonde hair and sky blue eyes.

He placed his hand up against the glass and I raised my paw, hitting the glass where his palm was resting and mewled at him. I liked him, he seemed nice and he seemed like someone who could understand me. He called to someone over his shoulder.

"Mum!! I think I've found the one I want." I tapped my paw on his finger and he smiled, lighting up. A worker came up behind him.

"Is that the one you like?"

"Yeah! Does he have a name?" She nodded, scratching the glass in front of my face. I mewled and pushed myself up on my hind paws, scrabbling at the glass.

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