Minilan- Skirt (Smut)

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Simon's P.O.V.

"What are you wearing?" I asked, grabbing at Lachlan's wrist as he tried to walk past me. He sighed but I could tell that he was giggling, deliberately trying to tease me simply through his outfit that he was wearing to go out to a party with our friends.

"What I want to." He said with a cheeky grin. I raised an eyebrow.

"No shit but that skirt is short on purpose." He tugged at it a little but it didn't make it any better, it was still short enough that you could see the white lace panties he was wearing underneath it when he moved or walked.

"Ya think?" He giggled, spinning in a circle and almost flashing me. I groaned and covered my eyes, going red because I knew the exact reason he was dressed like that.

He was wearing a short white skirt that came up to just above his hips but it was so short that I was embarrassed on his behalf, a sparkly purple crop top that came to a stop just above his belly button and a pair of low heels that made him exactly a few centimetres taller than me.

"I hate you." I mumbled, sighing. He loved to dress like that mostly to annoy the fuck out of me and although I didn't stop him, he loved to look cute and he wasn't hurting anyone, the other reason he did it was to get attention for other guys, mostly to tease them and me.

"You know you love me." He whispered into my ear, leaning down to make a show of the fact that he was taller than me. I reached around and squeezed his ass, making him squeak and go red.

"Maybe sometimes but right now all I'm thinking is how much you're going to get it when we get home." He giggled.

"Oh I know."


We had only been at the party for a few hours but already Lachlan was deliberately teasing me, and he knew exactly what he was doing because he kept giving me subtle glasses throughout the night, winking and giggling. He wasn't even drinking, the only thing he was a bottle of water.

He was dancing very suggestively, occasionally grinding against one of the boys that had been following him around trying to get his attention so they didn't leave. All of them were older than him by quite a few years but he didn't seem to mind, he even relished it because of how worked up it got me.

Enjoying the view? He mouthed, winking.

JJ stood beside me with a drink in a hand, a little bit tipsy but sober enough that he was making sense, and he was grinning. He was watching my glances between Lachlan and my drink, his winks and my subtle glares.

"Your boy off doing his thing again?" He asked, grinning. I rolled my eyes.

"Of course. He's a wild one." JJ grabbed another drink for me and pushed it into my hands as I polished off the last one, sending Lachlan a little wink when he thought I wasn't looking.

"You can tell he's looking to get it." JJ said, grinning and nudging me. He understood that I let Lachlan do his own thing, it was his job after all and him going out and going around people was his gathering customers for later. He did what he did and I didn't mind.

But there were times, at this was one of those times, when I got a little protective of him. After all, he was my boyfriend and he was younger than me but several years so I felt that it was my job to protect him from everything even though he had seen the worst the world had to offer.

I stalked over to Lachlan just as an older man grabbed at his ass, to which he slapped the guys hand away. He continued dancing though, just ignoring the guy as he paid attention to someone else, grinding against him while the other guy tried to gain his attention again.

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