Petty boiii

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You sat in silence, as the rest of them watched you as you held your drink in your hands.

'Who is this?' A bald man walked into the room. The only guy I know who has no hair is Aksel.
'(Y/N).' Brandon replied.
'Why is she here?' He asked.
'Idk ask Alex.' Jack (Hooverr) said.
'Alexxxx what did you do this time.' Aksel asked.
'Nothing!' Alex replied defensively.

I sat in the middle of this pointless conversation drinking , just drinking untill I said 'Wait where am I?'
'At my house!' Alex said.
'Wait but thats in Mexico-' I said
'No its in aufganistan!' He smiled laughing at his own joke.
'Hang onnn' Brandon butted in, 'why r we in mexico?'
'Idk' alex shrugged, 'u just turned up here one day lmao.'
'Did u just pronounce lmao?' Aksel asked.
'Shut up!' alex blushed
'Anyway why did you kidnap a girl!' Henry asked, ' a poor innocent girl!'
'I wouldn't go that far.' I said.
'Cosssss' alex started.
'Cossss' they all mocked.
'Go on then don't be shy.' Jack said.
'Sheee beat me at fornite.' alex muttered
They all burst out laughing.
'Your pathetic! U know that!' Brandon laughed.
Alex rolled his eyes and looked at me, I was trying my best not to laugh but I had to. What a petty boi. But a cute one to say the least...

Kidnapped uwu (Quackity HQ x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now