End of the Day

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During calc
Me-could you pick me up after 6th hour my 7th hour isn't doing anything and I have the worst head ache
Mom-i can try
Me-thank you!

Mr.Vex calls me to the board. I do the problem and he looks over it. "Perfect." He says studying it, I sit down and then pack my things up. The bell rings and I walk out and meet Alyssa.

We go to history and sit down. "So um Grayson said something about you being upset?" Alyssa says. "I'm just tired." I take my binder out and a pencil. I look at the board and fidget with my pencil. "I can see through you." Alyssa says in a bitchy tone.

grayson's p.o.v/lunch
We're sitting at lunch and Tiff and Savanna are talking. I look towards E and he rolls his eyes. I know I fucked up big time. "What's the plan for the party?" E asks while taking a bite of pizza. "Mine at 10." Brad says. "No shit." E says rolling his eyes.

"Who's going and what's the plan for after." "Everyone in school. We should all be going, unless your mom is still on the fence." Danny says looking towards Savanna. "Actually she said she's good with it. You wanna take me?" "Yeah I'll pick you up at 9:30." Danny says.

I clinch my jaw and get up. I throw my trash away and walk out. I walk down the hallway and then E catches up to me. "What's going on?" "What do you think E?" "You're the one that's been in a bad mood all day. After we got inside you lost your shit and left. For no reason to add. So explain."

"Her. She's the problem." "Why? because you're lonely?" He laughs a little but i look at him pissed. "Gray calm down you know i'm kidding. Why don't you just take her to the party already?" "Because I already fucked that up! She told me she liked me and then I didn't like that so I told her she's new to the group and I flipped her off."

"You're actually retarded." He shoves me and walks away. Savanna and Tiffany walk down the hall past me. "Eww no he's so weird." Tiff says laughing. They stop at her locker and I walk over to them. Tiffany looks at me and then back to her locker.

"Savanna can we talk." She looks at me. "Um maybe later, I gotta get to Physics." She walks away and Tiff joins her. I lift my hand up and two arms wrap around my bicep. "You punch that locker you scare her more." Becky whispers. I lean against them and she looks at me. "E fucked her up first, just so you know. You didn't cause her to be totally upset today."

Becky starts to walk away. "Wait what?" "She went after you and he ripped her backwards, and she said "a little rough E? He said something about if she went after you that you would do a lot worse to her." She shrugs her shoulders and turns around.

4:30 savanna's p.o.v
I'm in my room with Tiff and we're talking about the party. "So what's going on with you and Gray?" she ask bitting the nail of her thumb. "Nothing." I say "Oml Savanna we all see it. I don't care. I was actually talking about why your upset with him."

I look up to her. "Spill I know all about his ways." "He got upset, so I went to check on him and he was pissed. He was mad because I flirted with E but I flirt with him and I said that and then you know the rest." "How'd you flirt with E?" "I don't know!" "Well if you know that then we'll know how deeply he's in love with you." She teases "He doesn't love me." "Are you kidding? He isn't an ass to you, his eyes light up when he sees you, he feels bad about hurting you, and he's pissed that E and you so called flirted."

My mom knocks on the door. "Come in." The door opens and she says someone is at the door for me. I stand up and walk downstairs. "Your rooms looks really good." She says to me as we go to the door. She splits to the living room and I go to the door.

The large wooden door is open but the glass one is shut. I see Ethan is standing there with his hands in his pockets and looking up. "Yes?" I say and he looks at me. "Uh could we talk?" I walk outside and shut the door behind me.

"So um I should apologize for being an ass today." "Ok..." "Well I'm sorry. But also I'm not gonna lie and say I don't think you're gorgeous. I would do anything to be with you but I can't do that to Gray. He's not gonna admit it but he likes you. And he's not wanting to fuck you he's wanting to actually date you. Which he hates because he doesn't do that. So he's gonna be an ass and if you like him then you'll have to put up with it until he can deal with the fact that he's in love with you."

He nods his head and starts to walk away. "Thank you." I say. "Yeah." He walks away and down the street.

I walk back inside with a smile on my face and go to my room. "Who was it?" Tiff ask without looking up. I don't answer and she looks at me. "Ohhh the smile. Grayson maybe?" "No E." I say. "What'd he say to put that smile there." "Gray really likes me." I say.

She rolls her eyes. "So you believe him and not me?" I look at her and climb up to my bed. "We did really good in here." I say laying down.

" I say laying down

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"Yeah we did." Tiff says laying on my stomach. We both laugh and I pull out my phone. A good end to a bad day.

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