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tuesday after school
Spencer and I are grading quizzes as we watch The Office. We haven't really spoken. I'm not mad at him I just keep thinking about Friday. I feel Spencer's eyes shift towards me. I look to him and he looks away.

"So how are your legs?" I ask as I look at the guide. "Not that bad." He says speaking clearly. "Ok sure." I say smiling. "Yeah they're pretty bad." We laugh and Mr.H walks in. "Savanna would you mind running down to the office and giving this to Principal Saner?" "No problem." I stand up and take the papers out of his hands.

I stroll down the long hallways and make my final turn and into the office. Principal Saner is sitting at his desk and he looks up as I knock. "Savanna how are you?" "I'm good how about you?" I say as I fiddle with the papers.

"You know I was actually wanting to talk to you. Would you mind taking a seat?" "No, but um Mr.H wanted you to have these." He smiles and takes the papers. I sit down and look at him.

"I imagine you and Grayson are still dating, right?" "Yes sir?" "May I ask what you did to change him?" "Um I don't think I really did anything. I really think we just work well together." "Ok well, thank you very much." "I guess your welcome." I stand up and walk out feeling dirty.

back home
I'm laying in bed when Grayson text me.

Gray❤️-cool if i come over??
Me-uh yeah we need to talk anyways
Gray❤️-am i in trouble???
Me-no, but um you're gonna be mad so
Gray❤️- wdym?

I leave him on read and text Becky and Alyssa. Becky was already on her way over because she felt she was wrong about waiting.

She opens my door and looks at me. "I'm so sorry." "I'm gonna lose everything." "It's gonna be ok." She hugs me and Gray text me again.

Gray❤️-savanna why am i gonna be mad
Me-i'm not gonna explain over text
Gray❤️-ok well what's it about? are you ok?
Me-me and no
Gray❤️-are you hurt?
Me-No! just get over here.

"What am I gonna do?" I ask stressed. "He's gonna be here soon you need to figure it out!" "Oh do you want me to go down and be like-"Well I'm going to Maldives so fuck you!"? "No." She says quiet. I sigh and he text me that he's here.

I rush downstairs and he opens the door as I reach the last step. He looks at me. "Are you pregnant?" He ask concerned. "No." I say laughing a little. "Then what's wrong?" "Ok so um you should sit down."

He looks at me and then walks over to the couch and sits down. "Well first Becky's upstairs just so you know." "Ok? Does she know?" "Yeah. Uh I need you to let me get it all out before you say anything." "Ok, Savanna you're scaring me."

I sigh and look at him. "Chloe offered that I go with her to Maldives for the rest of this year and work on a project there." I say fast. He looks at me. "And you said yes?" "Yes." I start crying. He pulls me into a hug. "I don't want to say goodbye." I say in his shoulder. We pull apart and he wipes the tears off my cheeks.

"Oh Savanna." He shakes his head and a tear drops from his eye. "It's your dream isn't it?" I nod my head as more tears drop from my eyes. "Well I can't stop your dreams." He says shaking his head.

He wipes his eyes as he stands up. "Alright well good luck." He says. "What?" I ask. "I'm not gonna stay here and talk about this. I can't stop your dream so that's that. Bye Savanna."

I look at him confused. "What?" I ask pissed. "I don't do this." He says moving his hands around. "What?" "I'll give it time. Good luck." "No! You're not gonna walk out like that!" "Come on Savanna let's not start anything." "No i'm starting this! You can't just be like that! What we had wasn't a two week middle school thing! We were the couple Grayson! You're just gonna leave like that? Like we don't love each other?"

He clenches his jaw. "Fuck!" He yells. "You got me there Savanna. Yeah we loved each other but it looks like we aren't meant to be. You seriously just want drama. I'm sorry if you expected me to dropped to my knees and beg for you to stay. Or say that let's make your time left the best time but that's not me. It's over ok." He grips the door handle and walks out.

I sit down not breathing. What the fuck just happened. Who was that?

grayson's p.o.v
As I walk out the door tears drop down my face. I get in the car and drive home. Ethan's outside raking the leaves.

I park the car and place my arms and head on the steering wheel. After a few minutes there's a knock on the window. I look up to see Ethan. Worry crosses his face as he sees mine. I unbuckle and climb out.

"Hey what's wrong?" "Savanna and I are over." I say looking away. "What why?" "She's leaving." More tears drop down my cheeks. "Let's go inside." He says shutting my door.

We walk inside and up to my room. "What's happening?" He ask worried. "Her and Chloe are going to Maldives. So she texted me to come over so she could end it." "Gray, I'm so sorry." "What am I gonna do E? She's the love of my life. She makes everything worth it. I was doing so fucking well."

He studies me. "What do you mean you were doing so well?" "Like I was happy and school was good. There wasn't anything bad in life. When she told me I told her good luck. Ethan I blocked everything off. I didn't show any emotion. I was just like how I used to be. I fucking love her Ethan. I want to marry this girl and she's leaving and I treat her like shit. I don't even try to get her to stay. What am I gonna do? I can't change again. Mom's so happy."

"Fuck, Grayson it's gonna be ok. You're not gonna change. Everything is gonna work out here. Also she'll come back. She's not going to live there. Eventually she'll be back. You guys could try again then. But right now we can't fix it. It's gonna be hard as hell to watch her leave, but you've opened up. So keep talking about how you feel now. Like that she's leaving. Oh my god you can write!"

I look at him confused. "Grayson you're an amazing writer. One of the best ways to get emotion out is to write it down. You can personally see how you're changing. No one has to see it, it's all about you. Then if it gets awful or even just slightly bad we can talk. But I think writing would be really good for you." "Shes leaving." I say clenching my jaw. "I know." We hug and he looks at me. "Do you want me to stay or?" "It's fine, when mom gets home will you send her in." "Yeah of course."

He walks out and shuts the door. I lay in bed and stare at the ceiling. Floods of memories wash through my brain. Our movies nights, dinner dates, coffee breaks, pre and after game laughs, dancing in the car, swimming at night, running my hands through her hair, the full control she had over me with her leg. I mean yeah we had bad days but I never thought this day would come.

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