Car Ride

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savanna p.o.v
Chloe, Becky, Alyssa and Ethan left. I'm sitting in my bed scrolling through instagram. Danny walks in and looks at me. "I know you don't like me but E isn't here so, we're leaving." I nod my head and get up.

I gather my bags and Danny carries some of them. "He's already in the car." Tiffany says as we reach the bottom of the stairs.

"Ok." I say rolling my eyes. We all walk outside and get the cars loaded up. I shut the trunk and smile to Tiff and Toni. "Good luck." Tiff mouths. I open the passenger seat door and he looks over. I smile and slide into the seat.

He starts the car and starts driving. "I'm not gonna ride in this car unless you talk. Like this isn't gonna be some awkward car ride. I have reason to be mad not you." "Well I feel guilty." He says kinda loud. "Well you should!" I say back angry. "Like what the hell? What kind of person looks at someone and uses them for money? The only reason is money! Like that's low Grayson! But I'm dealing with it because for some stupid reason I love you! But it's getting hard to! Knowing that there could be a chance you don't love me back. And that your plan is still in motion! So you should feel guilty!"

He smiles. "What the fuck?" I say pissed. "I love you." He says still smiling. "Stop!" "Stop what?" He says laughing. "Smiling! This isn't a joke." "I know that Savanna. I have a gut feeling we'll get through this." "Why?" I say lowering my voice.

"Because even though you're yelling at me and I fucked up, I'm still happy. Like you're smile and our laughs. Our late night talks. I love all that and I would be an ass without you. Yes I messed up and I'm gonna have to fix that. But I love you and I always will." He says calmly. "Alright well I love you too." I say quietly.

He smiles at me and looks back at he road. The sun shine in and I put the shade down. I slip my sandals off and prop my feet on the dash. The sun warms my legs as we drive past the dark blue ocean. Grayson grabs his sunglasses from the review mirror and puts them on. I study him and he looks at me.

"What?" He ask. "Nothing." I look back to the road and run my hands through my hair. I see him shake his head, he rest his arm on the consul and adjust his grip on the wheel.

"What happened with the cupcakes?" He ask keeping his eyes on the road. "Um, I don't really know. We kinda just stated a food fight." He sighs and looks at me. "I'm sorry, I really am. Savanna I..." "It's ok." I interrupt him and he smiles.

"So your math grade?" "Uh ya know, i'll fix it." "Your moms gonna be pissed." "Oh I know." He smiles. "How's your history grade?" He ask. "Oh wow! It's ok." I says sarcastically. "What is it?" He ask pushy. "A C+." "Well damn thats not good." "I'll fix it!" I say crossing my arms.

"Sure you will." "Oh because your other grades are so good! Like your science grade!" "Oh wow that was low!" I smile and uncross my arms.

He cracks the windows and the rush of wind blows my hair. I pulls half my hair back and wrap a scrunchy around it. "So, your dad?" He ask hesitantly. "I won't tell him." "Why? No you should!" "What?" "Your supposed to tell your dad everything. He's supposed to protect you!" "Aww Gray, you already know he'll kill you. So we got in a fight, I think we'll be ok." "Ok but I was an ass. Like a major one."

"Grayson, it's ok. I figure you wouldn't want me to tell him." "Well yes but...." "You want him to know you mess up so if you mess up again it doesn't seem that bad." "No, I feel like he knows everything about me. That he knows about what happened with Alyssa, he doesn't like me and knows I'm not enough for you."

I look at him. "Are you trying to break up with me?" "No!" He says scared. "He needs to know, I don't know how to explain it, he just needs to. If my daughters boyfriend was like me I'd want to know."

"Hmm, Grayson Dolan a dad?" "What do you mean?" "I wouldn't place you as the type to want children." "Are you kidding? I've always wanted kids." "You'd be a great dad." I say thinking about it.

"I hope so." He says scratching his head. "You will be, i have no doubt in that." He smiles at me and looks away.

We pull into my driveway and he looks at me. "I love you Savanna." "I love you." I say unbuckling my seat beat. He helps bring my bags in and starts talking to my dad.

I put everything at the top of the stairs and come back down. "So she wasn't gonna tell me?" I hear my dad say. Shit, I mean come on Grayson you're making it worse!

I walk into the kitchen and look at them. "So?" My dad says looking at me. "What?" I ask playing it off like I don't know. "Danny does steroids?" Grayson smirks at me. I look at him annoyed. "Used to. That's why I didn't want Becky and him getting back together." "Ok?" He says unsure. "So how was the trip?" "It was really good!" I say quickly.

"And your surprise?" "Amazing! Thank you both so much!" "Where are they?" Grayson ask "Your place. Told me to tell you to head over there when you can."

"Why don't you go over now, I'll be over in a little. I wanna settle down for a little." "Yeah, I'll see you there." We smile and he leaves.

"No kiss?" "Yeah?" I say unsure. "You guys used to be all over each other." "We just spent the whole weekend all over each other." I say winking and sitting down. "Ok there was no need for that, I'm your father." "Oh come on you know i'm joking." "Sure." He says shaking his head.

"So where's mom?" "Um she walked in saw me and left." "Better than a fight." I say looking at him. "That's true." "So do you have the paperwork?" "Yes, I hope that your okay with this." "Not really, but I know it's gonna fix everything." "The court case is going to be really bad." "Dad I know, it's all good. If something major happens E said it would be all good if i stayed with them." "Ethan said that?" "Yeah." "Not Grayson?"

I sigh. "Grayson agreed with it." "What happened?" "We got in a small fight. It's all good now." "Promise?" "Pinky Promise!" We wrap our pinkies around each other and he pulls me in, then kisses my forehead. Just like he used to.

"If he hurts you, you have to tell me!" "Yes sir." I smile and run upstairs to change.

I strip my shirt off as I walk up the stairs. I open my door and Brads sitting on my bed. "Yo what the fuck!" I say slipping my shirt back on. "I'm sorry! God..." He stands up and I push him back down. "Why are you here?" I ask pissed. "I wanted to talk." "Well I don't!"

"I'm sorry." He says standing up and leaving. He shuts the door and I change into spandex and a slightly big t-shirt. I tie it in the back and put my hair into a messy bun. I slip my burks on and run downstairs. I grab my keys off the counter and kiss my dad goodbye quickly. I run to my car and jump in it. I drive to Grays and Brad gets out of his car the same time I do.

He walks past me. "Stop!" He turns around. "Thank you." He looks shocked. "It's better I know now then later." He nods his head and we walk in to together.

Grayson grabs me as I walk downstairs and throws me onto the couch next to Tiffany. He plops down next to me and lays his hand on my thigh. Tiffany smiles and I lean back as conversation breaks out. A perfect end to a perfect weekend.

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