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changkyun wanted silence and to be alone, but he was a really unlucky person, "changkyun-ah, can you give me your number?" 

of course, he forgot to meet up with minhyuk and unfortunately for the younger, minhyuk saw him in the park, "i dont have a number" the brunette wasn't really in the mood for talking and he knew if he gave minhyuk his number, the blond would call him non-stop and he didn't want to deal with that

"for gods sake, if you don't want to give me your number and you don't want to help me just say so, but don't say you don't have a goddamned number changkyun" the younger turned around nonchalantly and looked at minhyuk, thinking for a few seconds then nodding, more like to himself and he left just like that, leaving a sad minhyuk behind

usually, minhyuk doesn't get rejected, he always gets what he wants because his adorable and everyone likes him, but changkyun was different, he didn't care about looks nor the fact that he was nice and all, he wanted to be left alone

and so, changkyun arrived at the park, not really knowing what he could do since hoseok won't probably come in a few good hours because even though changkyun skipped, hoseok will probably stay until the end of the classes

changkyun took out a his notebook and a pencil and wrote down whatever came into his mind. the boy wrote before really nice songs, he was good at writing deep and meaningful lyrics and he enjoyed it, but he didn't want to show anyone, afraid that they will judge him

almost two hours already passed and the brunette was still writing. he tried to write a new song but he doesn't feel like it's good enough yet, it needs to be perfect and it wasn't

a problem with changkyun was that he was a perfectionist; everything he did it needed to be perfect, if he was going to write a song, the lyrics should be perfect from every single point of view

from the aesthetics and the vibe it gave off, the meaning and the beat, the rhythm and the rhymes, everything needed to be perfect

"'go ahead and cry little girl, nobody does it like you do, i know how much it matters to you, i know that you got daddy issues', you wrote that?" changkyun startled, fell of the bench, hitting his head on the rough pavement

"jooheon for fucks sake, you startled me.  .  ." he grunted as he got up with the help of his 'friend'

"im sorry, i just saw you were in deep thought and. . ." he rubbed his neck awkwardly, the brunette narrowing his eyes

"and what?"

"i don't know i just wanted to sit with you, if im not bothering you" changkyun thought about it, usually he would say no without a second thought, but he was jooheon

he nodded and sat on the bench, patting the seat besides him, indicating jooheon to sit down besides him; jooheon sat a bit hesitant, but placed his bag down and stared at the sky

changkyun kept writing, stealing a few glances of the other each then, but he tried focusing on his song

"can i read it?" the brunette, startled by the olders sudden question looked up with furrowed brows

"can i read what you have so far?" changkyun looked back at his paper and back to the red haired and back to the paper and shook his head softly

"owww come on, i want to" the younger couldn't resist jooheons whining it was the most adorable thing ever; some people think kittens and babys are cute and of course changkyun couldn't suffer babys, but one thing he found adorable was jooheon

"u-um ok. . ." he bit his lip in embarrassment and handed jooheon the paper

the other read the first few lyrics and suddenly stopped looking at changkyun, which was completely embarrassed, since his songs were not meant to be read by anyone else then him

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