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finally weekend, changkyuns dad left for a trip and he felt.. calm, relaxed. he basically could do anything he wanted, having the house all to himself

most kids his age would invite friends over, have a party, get drunk, but changkyun? he was gonna stay home all day and write lyrics

he woke up early today, even though he could've slept till 12, he woke up at 5 am only to watch the sunrise

it was his thing, waking up early, watching the sunrise and sunset, he really enjoyed it. he didn't exactly know why he enjoyed it so much, maybe it has something to do with the way it made him feel, he felt at peace

it also reminded him of his mother. oh, how he missed his mother. the boy truly loved his mother, like he never loved someone else, but she died years ago and he couldn't do anything about it. she understood him, she made him feel safe

and her death was the reason changkyuns dad starting drinking , that leading to a very violent behavior

and there he was, heading towards the park, he took a pair of sweatpants and a jacket to cover himself, since he 'forgot' to put on a shirt

the truth is, he was just way too lazy to do that

it was a 10 minute walk, from his place to the park, but he took extra time to appreciate the surroundings

30 minutes later, he was almost there, when he stopped dead in his tracks. a familiar red head stood on his bench - yes his, he wrote his name on it few days ago - legs crossed, staring at the sky

changkyun approached him, biting his lip from nervousness, he didn't want to face anyone right now. not that he didn't like the other, he actually enjoyed his company but this was supposed to be his alone time, the only time he thinks about himself;

he stood behind the red hair, just starring at him, wondering what he should do next

"you lost?" not bothering to look the younger, jooheon said with a low raspy voice - his morning tone, which sent shivers down the others spine

"i come here every day" the words came off rather rude - not intended though

changkyun had a pretty deep voice in general, really smooth, but now it was ten times deeper, not to mention the husky tone he always had in the morning

and jooheon couldn't deny, he found that extremely attractive

but the red head didn't move, he just stood there so changkyun went up to him and sat besides him. there was this tension around them that made the younger so very uncomfortable

they sat in silence, stars still visible on the night sky, it was almost 6 am, the dark blue - almost black - color changing to different shades of red and orange

to changkyun, it looked like copper hues with a kiss of sweet baby lips. the sky is all the colors he was yearning for, as if water could catch fire and become something so new

sunrises were always so passionate, they don't mind anyone, they keep being beautiful even if no one sees or pays attention to them

with an artistic eye one can see the beauty the brushstrokes and hues and interpret the morning however they like

you see, jooheon always preferred sunrises over sunsets, he liked beginnings

he thought they bought a new day, a new chance to all of us to try and get the best out of us and please ourselves

changkyun on the other hand, simple loved sunsets. yes, he did get up early only to watch sunrises because he found them extremely captivating, but he still choose sunsets

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