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BTW I don't own anything except the plot! Just realized I forgot to do that lol, so guys as you can probably see, I'm not very good at titles..... So help me out plzzzz!!! If you have an idea for a title just comment it and I'll pick one and change it later also maybe use some for future chapters! Anyways imma get on with the story before I lose all my precious inspiration!!!❤️

Lucy's POV
Natsu sat me on-top of the desk as he held onto my shoulders. Natsu looked straight into my eyes as he proceeded to ask me a question. "Is your dad.... hurting you? Please tell me the truth." I stared in awe of how stupid his question is, is it not already obvious? So he didn't just happen to walk in on my so-called 'dad' trying to rape me? Natsu is the biggest idiot I've ever met... That's not the question he should be asking at all, he shouldn't even be asking me anything! Did he just forget how he left me there?! Or how he pushed me towards my father?! I'm must have been quiet for too long because Natsu shook my shoulders and I snapped out of my thoughts. "Are you kidding me Natsu! You SAW it happening!!! You left me there and now you have the balls to ask me if he 'hurts me' after you push me towards the a**hole?! Leave me alone Natsu! In fact, don't even look at me. I can't stand to be near you right now." After I finish venting Natsu backs away a bit, his bangs casting shadows over his eyes. When he looks up I see the anger in his eyes and my own eyes widen just the slightest. I've never seen Natsu this angry before, maybe I went to far, not that he doesn't deserve it. Natsu's frown turns into a horrible smirk. Natsu stands at his full height and towers over my slouched form. He looks like he wants to kill me and rip me limb from limb. I stand up and walk back and glance at the door. It's still locked and by the time I unlocked I'd be a goner. I back up into the wall and slide down it, Natsu just walks towards me very slowly and looks ready to kill. I tremble and shake but he doesn't stop until he's right in front of me looking down. He smirked and takes off his belt and pulls down his pants. My eyes are as wide as saucers and I have tears falling down my face. Natsu grabs my hair and yanks my face to his private area.
(There will be no lemons in this book!!! Probably not.. anyways just warning you, it gets just a tad graphic but not too bad bye). Natsu pulls down his boxers and starts to force me to do things I really don't want to do. I try to fight back but he just goes even harder. I scratch and bite, and I even kick. I try to pull away, but the more I fight the wider his grin gets. I am absolutely disgusted by the man in front of me. After Natsu is done with me, he throws me down to the ground and cleans himself up. Natsu looks down at me without even a hint of regret in his eyes. "If you'd only kept your mouth shut and just answered my question then this wouldn't have happened to you Luce, this is on you Blondie." I look up the the disgusting pig in front of me and wonder how my life went so wrong. My trembling eyes met his and I think about how its true. It really is my fault, if I weren't such a disgusting girl this never would have happened. I look at Natsu and try to speak. "I'm s-sorry I'm no good, I'll be better." Natsu's eyes widen before he grimaces and walks to the door. He looks back at me with some kind emotion in his eyes and walks away. I try to stand so I can go to the restroom to fix myself up before going to class, but my legs give up on me and I just sit in the dark sobbing.

Natsu's POV
After I sat Lucy on the desk and asked her the question, she just sat there for while. I shook her shoulders and she snapped out of her thoughts. She looks a bit angry as she yells at me. "Are you kidding me Natsu! You SAW it happening!!! You left me there and now you have the balls to ask me if he 'hurts me' after you push me towards the a**hole?! Leave me alone Natsu! In fact, don't even look at me. I can't stand to be near you right now." A switch flips in me and I back away from her. I feel ready to kill and I probably could if I wanted to. I start to smirk and stand at my full height. I look down at her slouched form and think of hurting her. I really want to hurt her, I want to tear her apart. Lucy stands up and glances at the door, then she backs up to the wall. As she slides down the wall, I walk closer and closer until I'm right in front of her. I look down at her with lust filled eyes. I undo my belt and pull down my pants. I take Lucy's hair in my fist and pull her face to my private area. I pull down my underwear and make her pleasure me. Every time she fights back it turns me on even more and I keep going. Once I'm done I throw her aside and clean up. I look down at her with no regrets. "If you'd only kept your mouth shut and answered my question then this wouldn't have happened Luce, this is on you blondie." I look into her eyes and I can see how I've broken her. She looks at me and tries to speak. "I'm s-sorry I'm no good, I'll be better." My eyes widen and I grimace before walking away and looking back at her with confusion. I walk away and try not to think about it as I head to class. I'm already late I don't need to be distracted by that girl.

Writing this actually hurt me😭 I'm actually a bit scared at how dark my mind is lol... Haha plxkeepreadingmystory
Now I'm not only scared but also ashamed of myself.. yaaay 😂 anywho please ignore my odd humor and don't give up on me!!! Bye bye my dearest peeps❤️❤️

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