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Well, this is as nice as birds. speaking of birds, Bet you didn't exPECKt this huh, its kinda old for its... pAGE! Well I don't wanna WING it but im kind of a bird expert myself, learned straight from my feather, too bad it FOWL down into the NExST part of the Tree.

I always wondered why a cannon ball looked so big  when it was coming but then it.. HIT me if you know what that mean, That KREMling king hit me hard with the cannonball I guess, and un-Ness I was supposed to move away or something i'd be R.O.B'd of my strategy that's totally original.

I also Remember when Mario first met a mii. all he said was Its-a MII and I never saw him again. safe to assume he and the mii died of laughter-

well that's it for this PUNny page.

Sea you soon.

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