Part 10- The letter

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Hailleys pov
Daniel leaves and I grab the paper.

I don't really know how to start this. So I guess I'll just say what I have to say? I know you're probably going through a lot. Myta told Zach about your mom passing and he talked with us about it. I know it's not my business, but Zach cares about you. You're his best friend. I just think he didn't want to lose his best friend to his bandmates. Which is why he recently became different. He wants to protect you. But from what i dont know. Because I know I'd never hurt you. And i have no clue why he blew Ally off but I think you should all just talk it out. But that's not the only thing I wanted to say. I know we just met in person but we've been talking for 2 years and you're such an amazing person. You have the biggest heart and you care so much about everyone. So when you work things out with your friendship with Zach... Would you like to go on a date?
                    Daniel Seavey

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