Chapter Twelve

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Magnia could feel Bee's spark thumping wildly as they flew over the desert. Ultra Magnus had gotten them as close to Darkmount as he could without tripping any alarms, but they still had a bit of flying to do.

"You really don't like heights, huh tough guy?" Magnia teased.

"Just...hurry," Bee gulped, optics still closed.

"I wonder what would happen if I did a couple loop-de-loops," Magnia grinned.

"I'll...purge...all," Bee growled. "Feeling sick...already."

They were silent for a moment until Magnia asked, "Bee, why do you trust me so much?"

Bee smiled to himself, "I reasons."

Magnia frowned, "What reasons?" She set him down because they were nearing Darkmount, and they continued on foot.

Bee grinned, "That thing...isn't you...thought."

Magnia froze, "What?"

"I didn't say...anything," Bee said casually.

Magnia's faceplates burned with embarrassment, "You knew I could hear your thoughts? Why didn't you say anything?!"

"Decided to...have my...own fun," Bee laughed. "Whenever you...tapped in...I'd just...control my...thoughts."

"You-!" Magnia clenched her servos, "you jerk!" She angrily walked away, fuming to herself. All those things he had thought about her weren't even true? I knew it, she thought sadly. He doesn't really care about me anyways.

"Of course I care about you," Bee's voice interrupted her thoughts. "All that stuff I thought was true; you are beautiful. You're the most beautiful femme I've ever met."

Magnia turned and looked back at Bumblebee, who was blushing like crazy, "You really mean that?"

"Of course."

Magnia frowned, "What about that part right before Ratchet came in?"

Bee smirked, staring into her optics, "Oh, I especially meant that."

Magnia felt a shiver run up her back strut as Bee walked ahead of her. He was so...bad!

"You like it when I'm bad?"

"Primus," Magnia ducked her helm, embarrassed. "I am so not having this conversation with you."

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