Chapter Twenty-One

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As the Autobots stormed the Nemesis via the outer hull, they received another comm from Ratchet. While dodging heavy fire he had found another communications array to tell them he was heading for the Omega Lock control station.

"Smokescreen, Bumblebee, and Arcee!" Optimus commanded. "Join Ratchet in the Omega Lock control station. Ultra Magnus, Bulkhead, Ironhide, and Jazz, you take the bridge."

"What are you going to do, Optimus?" Arcee asked.

Optimus had just caught sight of Megatron arriving on the upper deck with the Dark Star Saber. "I'm going to finish this," he replied grimly.

As his team scattered to their duties, Optimus flew closer to Megatron, mentally preparing himself for the battle ahead. He didn't get very far, however, before Megatron threw his sword, damaging Optimus' jetpack.

Optimus managed to land on one of the lower spires and precariously started climbing up.


Arcee, Bumblebee, and Smokescreen were approaching the control station when Smokescreen suddenly stopped.

"I have something I need to do," he said, running off in another direction.

"What the frag?!" Arcee yelled after him as Bee beeped angrily.

"I'll catch up with you later!" the young bot called back, disappearing down the corridor.

Arcee huffed and motioned to Bee to continue on. They had nearly made it to the Omega Lock control station, when Starscream and an armada of seekers opened fire on them. Their detainment was unfortunate, because unknown to them, Ratchet was getting his aft handed to him by Shockwave in the Omega Lock control room and he could have really used their help.


Meanwhile, Ultra Magnus and his team attempted to storm the bridge, but their efforts were cut short by Soundwave. The silent mech was guarding the bridge and as the four of them rushed at him, he made a surprising move.

Soundwave opened a ground bridge.

The Autobots, of course, hurtled through it before realizing what was happening, and were transported to the brig, where they were almost instantly surrounded.

:Team,: Ultra Magnus commed nervously to the remaining Autobots. :We've been delayed.:

The entire team could hear his comm, including the humans back at the base, and his comm gave Jack an idea.

"Raf," Jack told the smaller boy. "Bridge me and Miko onto the Nemesis bridge. I've got a plan."

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