Start again

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The following morning I was not woken up by the birds or a gnome gnawing on my pillow, instead I was woken up as Mabel charged up the stairs and burst into my room. I fell out of bed realizing what happened, I looked up to the space next to where I slept, expecting to see Bill lying there. It was empty. I look up at Mabel who's practically bouncing now. I silently prayed she did not make 'Mabel juice' I have not been able to touch the stuff ever since I blacked out while drinking the stuff, then woke up the next day on my college campus in a bikini for some reason.

"Hey Dipper guess what !?" She was completely giddy, I found it amazing that after everything that happened she could still be enthusiastic. Although, I was really thankful for that, since her upbeat attitude helped pull me out of a few a few bad slumps after wierdmageddon.

" What?" I stretched yawning, I tried to keep from looking around the room. I tried to look natural despite my growing panic. I had no idea where Bill was hiding.

"It's fishing day! Grunkle Ford and Grunkle Stan got their boat to the lake for today.That's not all I managed to Wendy, Zues, Candy and Grenda to eat along too!" Mabel grins dancing as she slams Grunkle Stan's home made fishing hat on my head. I gently take the hat of my head, running my fingers along the crude stitching. It's just how I remember it, I had no idea how it survived. I could still recall our day on the lake it was one of the best days of our summer, we could not stop smiling even when we went back to the Mystery Shack. I remember Grunkle Stan smiling at me, he hardly did that anymore. Immediately my stomach sank a cold feeling washed over me, my stomach started to hurt and I began to lose feeling in my hands.

"That's really cool Mabel, but I do not think I'm up for fishing today" Mabel frown hat back, Mabel frowns at me. I stare at the floor the sinking feeling continues, my head was swimming.

"What's wrong? I thought you wanted to spend time with Stan and Ford, you told me before we came here that you wanted to patch things up with them" Mabel stares at me and I just stare at the floor.

"I know what I said, it's just complicated. I want to patch things up it's just that .." I felt Mabel wrap me in a tight hug. Within seconds I felt better, I hug her back. We automatically pat each other and laugh, the pain began to diminish and the heavy feeling was lifting.

"Ok bro, if you need some time to think, then do it. I'll just say you were too tired, but I'm sure Wendy and the others will be upset that you could not make it" I chuckle a bit, which seemed to make Mabel smile wider.

"Well, I'll just have to make it up to you." Mabel lets go and gives me a soft nod and walks out closing the door behind her. I go to my bed and flop down onto it, facing the ceiling. I close my eyes, for a moment but then I open them again. Bill was sitting on my bed his face inches from mine, naturally I was surprised and jolted up, nearly smashing our heads together. Luckily, Bill was fast enough to pull his face away. Bill begins to laugh trying to stifle it with his hand

"Did you miss me?" Bill said through his laughter, I glared at him, but I was feeling to drained to deal with his shenanigans, so I just got up and walked over to my dresser, dead quiet. I could almost hear the question mark appearing over his head. I could hear him get up and walk over to me.

"Hey, are you ok?" I tried to touch me, I knocked his hand away.

"I'm fine" I saw curtly. I grab some clothes, Bill steps out my way as I head to the bathroom to change. I go into the bathroom and change my clothes, I look in the cabinet under the sink and record my daily assortment of medication. I grabbed the glass that was kept by the sink and filled it with tap water and swallowed my pills in one go. I grab a towel and throw it over the bathroom mirror, I then take off my pajamas and put on a dark red shirt, a black jacket and pair of brown cargo pants. I take the towel of the mirror and fold it up, before turning back to the mirror to fix my hair. I have my sneakers give myself to eleven over in the mirror.

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