Sleepless night

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I can't see

"Soon Dipper"

I'm trapped, I can't move, what's going on!?  Where's Bill!? I can hear him, but why is he crying? It feels like I'm being torn to shreds, but my throats to sore to scream anymore. Bill, please help me! 


The feminine voice whispered in his mind, it's tone soothing, covering thinly veiled malice. 

"Soon I will make good on our deal"

Dipper shot out of bed clutching his chest, he hyperventilated checkign his surroundings. He was  in his tent, the light from his lamp illuminating his silhouette onto the tent walls, he could hear Mabel snoring from the next tent over. Beside him Bill stirred turning around, his yellow eyes staring up at him. 

"Pinetree?" Dipper didn't respond the shaking, tears running down his face. Bill sits up immediately wrapping his arms around him pulling Dipper closer. Dipper softly begins to cry into Bills shirt, while Bill softly stroked his head murmuring words of reassurance. Dipper began to slowly calm down taking long slow deep breaths. 

"What happened?" Bill asked gently. Dipper took a few more breaths before answering.

"I...It was a nightmare, I was tied down....I felt nothing but pain...I could hear you..but I couldn't see you..." Dipper began to cry again, Bill wiped the tears from his lovers cheeks and kissed him.

"It was just a nightmare" He said smiling warmly

"But I could feel was like it was actually happening to me" Dipper's voice broke as he began to shake. Bill quickly pulls Dipper into another hug to try keep him calm.

"Dipper? Do you think this dream has anything to do with.....Wierdmageddon?" Bill could feel Dipper arms tighten around his ribs.

"I don't know..." He whispers, swallowing hard as he blinked away some stray tears."I mean, I know that I never had something like that happen to me. Maybe I'm thinking of you, I don't know what Ford was doing to you, but I knew you were in pain"

 Both Bill and Dipper fall into tense silence as the memories flash in their minds. Bills stomach tightened as he remembered the coldness of the room, the feeling of the scalpel biting into his skin and the blood draining from him. A smile creeped onto Bill's face, he started to chuckle.

"HeheheheHahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Bill laughed letting go of Dipper and clutching his sides. Dipper backs into the opposite side of the tent, eyes wide as he watched Bill's fit of madness. 

"HAHAHAHAHA! I REMEMBER THAT!HAHAHAHA! IT HURT LIKE HELL!HAHAHAHA! FUCKING HILARIOUS!HAHAHAHA! I'M JUST A DEMON RIGHT!? THERE'S NOTHING HUMAN ABOUT MEHAHAHAHAHA" Tears were streaming down Bill's face, his expression contorting into a mixture of, sadness, pain, and fury. 

"Bill! Stop please!" Dipper felt his face flush and his hands tremble. Bill's eyes turned yellow and glowed, his body becoming encased in blue flame. His howls of laughter made Dippers stomach tighten. The haunting sound rang in Dippers ears as the images flashed in his mind.

The deal

The bunker

The blood

The cries

His sister

His uncles

The deal

The bunker

The fighting

The cries

The screams

His sister

His uncle covered in blood

His blood

Dipper covered the distance between Bill and him in almost inhuman speed. Dippers arms wrapped around Bill, the flames extinguishing as Dipper buried his face in Bill's shoulder. Bill had stopped laughing, as he felt Dipper trembling in waves. Bill looked down, unable to move.

"Please stop" Dipper whimpered "You scare me when you laugh like that" Bill hugged Dipper back, the memories still washing over him.

"I'm..sorry.." Bill whispered as salted tears fell into Dippers hair.

"I know you hurt, I'm still hurting too,but when you do that I think your about to change back and it scares me. I don't want to lose you" Dipper looks up his dark eyes filled with tears. Bill gently nuzzles Dippers cheek with a with his nose.

"I'm not going anywhere, I promise. I'll be here to protect you and to love be you" Dipper kissed Bill, teary smile on his face.  Bill and Dipper jumped as a voice called from outside the tent.

"Dipper?" Mabels silhouette was visible sitting just outside the door of the tent. Bill vanished in an instant as Mabel unzipped the tent and poked her head in.

"Dipper? Is everything alright? I heard laughing and..." Dipper stared wide eyed at her, still trembling water streaks running down his face. Mabel unzipped the tent and crawled inside. She stared at her twin for a moment before grabbing him and pulling him into a hug.

Dipper although suprised returns the gesture burying his face into the soft pink material of her pajamas. They stayed quiet their arms tightening around each other, trying to shield the other from harm. Dipper felt hot wet streaks fall down his neck. Dipper  pulled his head away, watching his sister cry. Dipper pulled one of his arms out of the hug, clearing his sisters tears with his hand. Dipper tried to think of what to say, he couldn't make the trauma they suffered go away, not for her, not for Bill, not even himself. He decided to do the only thing he could think of,and smile.

"Hey we'll be okay. I promise....Mystery twins?" Mabels face turned to a small smile as she sniffled.

"Mystery twins" Her bright smile returning.

"Let's talk about this tomorrow, I think it's time we talked about everything that happened" Dipper tried to sound forthcoming, but his voice trembled and broke. Mabel nodded in agreement her eyes full of resolve, Dipper couldn't help but admire his sisters strength. He wished he had that.

Mabel left with a quick Goodnight and Bill did not return until sunrise.

Dipper was lying half asleep, his heart and mind a hurricane of thoughts and emotions. Not because of what he said to Mabel, but because as he was about to drift off to sleep he could still hear that voice.

"Soon Dipper Pines, very soon"

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