1☇Invisible To Invincible☇

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Hey guys Shawna here! Here is the first chapter to my new book!



"Wake up Lydia, it's almost time for school" I didn't want to get up I definitely did not want to go to school not while my siblings are there the only sibling that I actually like is Beau he is my best friend.

"Lydia get up now!" I groaned and got up "I'm up" I went to my bathroom and got in the shower I did my business and got out.

I got dressed and went downstairs and saw my siblings I internally groaned "Lydia about damn time" I looked at Gwen she was my oldest sister she is a pain in my ass.

"Gwen!" My mom didn't like when we swore she looked at my mom and rolled her eyes "go ahead roll your eyes one more time I'll make them roll down the damn road" and she would my mom doesn't play around with any of her kids Beau came down and I smiled he was my best friend in the whole family I am being so serious the twins make my life hell whenever they can which is very annoying.

When we are at school they like to make my life living hell, they like all the attention I always wondered if they ever loved me. They can't really make my life a living hell at home because our parents wouldn't allow it.

They have tried many times but our parents stop them everytime which I like most teenagers say they don't have somewhere safe to go. I do it's my house.

Our parents are really good about that which is one of the many things I love my parents.

The other thing I love about them is they gave birth to me! My phone went off it was Maci telling me that's she was here "alright I got to go" my mom smiled "have a good day sweetie" I nodded.

I got into the car with Maci, Avery we usually meet Candice and Peyton at school they don't have cars and sometimes we can't always pick them up.

My friends are my world, we are literally sisters it's awesome "did you hear Lydia?" I looked at Avery when I got in "oh yeah totally" she gave me a look she knows when she does this I always respond with something stupid.

"Ave of course I haven't heard I just got in the car" she just gave me a look then continued "there is a new kid, he starts today" I sighed "that's cool" she continued to look at me "what?" She then looked at Maci "what's the big deal about this new kid?" She sighed.

"His looks" I rolled my eyes avery is always trying to set me up with someone it's getting annoying to be honest but she is my best friend so I wouldn't tell her that.

"You need someone Ly" I just looked at her "can you please stop trying to set me up" she looked hurt "I'm just ready yet" she smiled "okay I won't it anymore" she was silent for a minute "I won't do it every month" we all started laughing that was Avery she was the to always make jokes.

We got to school and parked we met up with Candice & Peyton they were waiting by our parking spot. We went to our lockers mine, and Maci's locker were second when I got to my locker everyone went quiet I was confused.

I looked at the entrance and saw a guy that was sexy as hell. His beauty caught me by surprise "who is that?" Avery snickered "that's the new kid.. his name is Conner Wesley" oh wow his name fits him.

This is going to be a long hard year.


Hey guys I'm so sorry I haven't been active I have had a rough time recently but hopefully I can get back into writing! Hope you enjoy this chapter bye lovies!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2019 ⏰

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