Chapter XIII: Part II-Rani Rules

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Lott's screams of torment resonated through the Alabastar, it was heard by only the Queen however, as she sat perched on the Alabastar throne, in the great throne room of the Reckoning, now empty of all but her. Lott flitted from ceiling, to walls, to floor and around the empty throne room in fits of anguish and rage. Reyna pulled the remaining draca from the old female dragon Saria, she could feel the magnificent beast draw her last breathes.

'Please, my Queen I beg you...mercies...mercies!' Pleaded the Lott.

Reyna took a few moments to savor Saria's draca as it coursed through her, making the strain and exhaustion of siphoning her life more bearable. Killing a dragon through the Reckoning's magics was a soul draining task, one that took years from her own life, but it had been necessary, Lott was getting too bold. Saria was the third dragon she'd killed today, so pushed beyond the brinks of exhaustion and pain, she was sure that Lott seen none of it, staring out of the castle's walls that were his Alabastar prison.

'Fail me again Lott...and I will kill your entire lineage.'

She could sense the dragon flinch, she stared into the large dragon eyes from the throne set within the belly of his dear friend Grimore. Grimore's remains forever encased in the Alabastar, the once mighty dragon looming over the throne room with eyes forever frozen in anger, the Alabastar throne now a part of him, set within the dragon at the very spot that Lesna had cut from him so many centuries ago with the great Alabastar sword, Ladies Wrath.

Reyna placed a hand on the sword's pommel, running her fingers over the vampire, dragon, and werewolf's heads that were forged within, she pulled the sword from the throne as she stood, pointing it at the wall that Lott now possessed.

"If I sense even a morsel of deceit, or a thought you are with withholding anything from me, I'll send my Dracgons to hunt down Delia and bring her to Queens Lance and let you watch as Ladies Wrath guts her." Reyna spewed, shouting, "I'll let you watch me kill your daughter!" she raged.

'Mercies, my Queen, mercies.' Lott's pleas now an agonized begging.

Reyna held the sword and threatening stare for a long moment, before placing Ladies Wrath into the arm of the throne once more. She sat down, letting her muscles relax, the weight of Neena's attack, and the subsequent killing of the dragons draining her, but she let the dragon see only the Alabastar Queen, strong, confident, and ruling.

She wouldn't let the dragon know how close Neena had actually come to harming her. Had it not been for the Eagles voice, warning her to run, she would have died along with her twelve nobles. Whatever was inside Neena had enthralled her, trapped her mind, ensnared her, she'd had been made defenseless looking into the soulless, dead stare of...Neena? Not Neena, something else...the unknown?

She blinked a few times, whisking away the memories of being helpless, a feeling she'd all but forgotten. The vampire King Leinad had almost killed Lesna at the Reckoning, and now centuries later she'd almost been killed by another creature of the undead. Did the werewolves control the magics that created Neena as well? Did they control Neena? If they did, the control was not complete, Neena had saved her Queen, her warning had saved her.

"What has happened to Neena, how does she wield such power? How did she make the rig fly?" She had more questions, hoping the dragon had seen the likes of her before.

Lott looked perplexed, hesitant, scared.

'She's been touched by the Forever Flames...'

"Then why isn't she dead?" Demanded Reyna, "If truly touched by the Flames of Judgement, how can she still be alive?"

Lott paused a moment before answering, 'She isn't my Queen, Lady Neena is dead...what attacked you,' she could sense Lott's growing unease, '...what attacked you was not alive my Queen. The monster that attacked you was a beast driven by hunger...not a bloodlust, but a...soul, a power lust. It could sense your power, your life force...your draca, and it wanted it. It wanted it badly. It could sense you were the most powerful one in the room, so it went after you wanting your life's force.'

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