Chapter 3

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Vanessa's P.O.V.

It's been a full on 4 days since I last saw Jacob, Nicholas had invited me to go out with them tomorrow, however I'm not quite sure I'll take him up on that offer considering that I will have to put up with that arrogant ass. Fuck him man, I shouldn't have to put aside people who enjoy my presence for an asshole who doesn't even acknowledge me in any way possible without a glare.

Rising from the comfort of my bed, I stepped cautiously across my room to retrieve my phone that laid on my desk. I sent a quick "Good Morning" text to Nick and told him that I would be attending tomorrow. I smiled to myself hoping that I would be able to just hang out with Nick and Cynthia tomorrow. 

As I reached my bathroom, I washed my face throughly, whilst brushing my teeth, meaning, at the moment I had a thin layer of suds, and a bit of toothpaste hanging onto the corners of my mouth, and she couldn't pick a more splendid time to waltz into my house with an arrogant asshole behind her. 

I only had a thin layer of a shirt covering up to my mid-thighs and my thick blue socks, my hair hung into a high ponytail and I just stood wide eyed as I saw my best friend, possibly drunk, peck Jacob's lips and then smirk at him. His eyes shined deviously and I felt a bit queasy at first, only to have shrugged my shoulders afterwards and go back to do the process of washing off the leftover suds.

As I tip toed out ever so quietly from the bathroom, I gratefully made it to my bedroom. I striped myself of my thin white oversized t-shirt and quickly put on a purple lace bra with a matching lingerie. That was when the door creaked open a bit and I wrapped up my body, shielding it from the devil himself. Jacob then peeked his head through the door and I mustered up the most angry face I could possibly make and glared at him while eyeing him in a not-so-polite manner.

Fucking serious man? Does he not see the sign on my door saying 'Vanessa's Room,' he cannot be that stupid can he? Losing myself within my thoughts, I forgot that he stood, approximately, 7 feet away from me. I heard light footsteps from the hallway, which brought me back to face reality, and there he stood with a soft gaze indented in his dark eyes.

As I was about to speak, I saw small arms reach out from behind him and squeeze his limbs. Out of shock he slightly jumped forward, only to follow his eyes towards a giggling, red head, lying on the floor clutching her stomach. I chuckled a bit, amused by the surprise attack on him. His body tensed a bit and i saw him clutch his fists tightly together and taking short breath's, he mummered beneath his breath, and he launched himself at Cynthia, in who rolled over and began to run down the hall. 

I sighed and decided to go to YMCA down the block and practice my volleyball since I haven't done that much lately.

As I slipped on my spandex, and muscle tee, I tied my curly hair into a ponytail and braided it till the very tips. I grabbed my sneakers and threw my volleyball bag over my head, resting it upon my shoulders, while attempting to tip toe down the hall without any sound of my feet on the wood.

Peering over to the living room, I took in a view not-so-great, Cynthia was on Jacob's lap, straddling him, as they sat on our black leather couch, making out. 

I felt my throat swell up a bit and I positive I was about to throw up, however the bile never came, therefore, I took my steps towards the front door as planned and left. 

Feeling the cool breeze whip up my hair and make contact with my skin, I decided to stop by a coffee shop on the way to practice to awaken me, and as always it's expresso with 2 teaspoons of sugar and milk. It would be keeping me alert of everything and anything throughout practice.

I'm about to get some stress off my back.


Sorry I haven't updated in so long! High Schol starts in four days and I've been all over the place! 

I'll update some time this week so stay aware!

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