Chapter 4

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Vanessa's P.O.V.

Approaching the YMCA, I could feel the warm air, wrap itself around my being and comfort me. Accepting the inviting warmth I casually strolled into the main building, greeting the staff I have come to know throughout the year I have been practicing here. Flashing a smile to Derek at the front desk, I waited for him to hold down the button to the paradise awaiting for me on the other side of this door.

Finally, taking a step forward, I paced towards the Volleyball Gym, estatic to be back and being able to take off some of the burden resting on top of my back. 

Approaching the bleachers, I changed my slippers to my Muzino Volleyball Sneakers, during the time period, my Coach Eddie, came towards me, arms spread out, with a warm smile tugging at his lips. I went into his arms and greeted him,

"Hey Eddie," I spoke softly with a sigh.

"Hello baby girl! How are you doing today? I haven't seen you in forever! What have you been doing missy?." As always Eddie bombared me with questions, and called me by his lovely nickname he has given me ever since I began coming here with my older brother Glen.

"I'm great Eddie, I've just been busy, filling out College Applications, the usual," I spoke, smiling towards the end of my response.

"For a week there I thought you left us," with a joking demeanor he nudged my arm and had a goofy grin plastered on his face.

"Never would I ever Eddie," I spoke back with the same tone.

WIth one last smile, I ran towards the cart and grabbed the, smooth texture of the white leather volleyball. Grasping it tightly, I threw it up in the air to warm up, doing so, I was able to get under it and bump it back in the air with ease. 

I felt at peace as the whole world begun to fade ever so softly in the background and the only existing being was me and the marvelous ball that I had a pep up with. 

Hours flown by, with sweat trickling down my body, while grunts were being heard from different angles, as determination set into every individuals, tired eyes, and by the time it is  closing time, the clock read, 9:30 PM, it is time to return to our humble aboad, to feel the softness of my bed was the only thing my body longed for at this very moment.

Bidding Farewell to everyone, I went on my way back to home, with Sweet Deposition, blasting throughout my headphones. Not a care in the world that stood before me. 

Cynthia's P.O.V.

Strange enough, Jacob has been acting weirdly, throughout this evening. I was wondering what was up, until my best friend came through the doorstep, interrupting my train of thought, and at that very moment, Jacob was mid-way in the steps, however. abruptly, halted looking at Vanessa. 

Within me, something stirred with anger. How come he's staring at her in such a way. They barely even know eachother in the way I know him for these past 2 months.

As she looked up she glanced at him, sighing heavily and letting out a frustrated groan, making it seem as if they are brother and sister, yet, with the look that Jacob is giving her, it made me think otherwise.

"Hey love, how was practice?". I shouted quite loudly, noticing Jacob shift uncomfortably between his feet, before he proceeded with his previous actions of coming to the kitchen. 

Making eye contact, he made his way to me and hung an arm over my shoulders, with a grin on his lips.

"It was great Cyn, I felt so alive once again, however I'm tired and every muscles in my body is in knots and  all i would like to do is go to bed at this moment," she spoke with clarity and a bit of agitation.

"Damn, I was hoping you would join us for Strip Poker," Jacob said in a mocking tone, adding to Vanessa's agitation. 

I punched his arm lightly and shot him a look, which he took in consideration, greatfully. 

I glanced at my best friend, who smiled tiredly at me, and mouthed, "thank you".

Silently making her way to her room, leaving me and my annoying boyfriend alone. Shit, I forgot to tell her that I was dating him. Fuck, I must've been drunk when she left. 

Lifting my hand in frustration and tugging at my roots, I pushed my thoughts to the side, and peeked up at Jacob once more.

"What the hell Jacob? Can't you leave her alone?" I said with anger fueling within me.

"I'm sorry baby, I just wanted to lighten up the tension around here," sounding genuine enough, I nodded my head, wrapping my arms around him and resting my head on his chest. He then lifted my chin, just to leave a brief kiss upon my lips.


Alright well hope you enjoy this! I stayed up since 11 PM today and couldn't sleep, therefore, I decided on a update.

I will remind you that not every single detail is like what I experienced. I am using my imagination into this as well. 

Thank you! 

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