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*Midoriya's P.O.V.*

    I start to wake up as light shines on my face through the window. When I try to sitting up I wince in pain and immediately retreat from any further movement. Why am I sore...... oh no. All of the memories come flooding back into my head. I jumped, but i'm still here?... Todoroki! He stopped me with his quirk. And Shinso he also had something to do with it. I remember him being there. I open my eyes. As they adjust to the light I start to really focus on my surroundings and I can't recognize a single thing in my room. It is so plain.

    THIS ISN'T MY ROOM!!! My eyes shoot wide open. Examining the room carefully. I push through the pain and slowly sit up. This is when I realized I wasn't alone. My hand shakes as I slowly pull the covers back. My eyes lay on red and white hair. "T-todoroki", I whisper to myself. He is asleep with his hair messily in his face and on the pillow laying away from me. His face turned to the side. My eyes seacher lower at his shirtless chest. I never noticed how fit he was. His tones muscles practically glowing in the sunlight. He was in fact wearing boxers; I could see the rim of the elastic top. 

    "Are you going to continue to stare?"

    My eyes shot up to the once sleeping boys face as mine and his eyes meet. Shit he saw me totally gocking at his bare body.

    "I-I-I am so sorry. I am confused on how I got here", I nervously laugh. Grinning a fake cheeky smile.

    "I saved you from the Bridge. Shinso Helped you sleep so you could calm down", he sits up and stretches his arms behind his head giving me the perfect view of his biceps, "I brought you back here".

    "... t-thank you T-todoroki. I owe you"

    "Are you going to tell me why you felt the need to jump off a bridge to your death?", he questions lifting an eyebrow.

    "I am okay I promise. I overreacted. I learned my lesson. Won't happen again", I start to get out of his bed and look for my phone.

    "I don't believe you", Todoroki gets up and stands before me. I freeze as the taller man stares down at me emotionless. He grabs my wrist and I wince in pain. Lifting it up to display my scars and fresh cuts. In defense I rip my arm back from his grasp. "You wouldn't be doing this to yourself and Smoking in parks at night if you were okay"

    "I haven't cut in so long. This is just a slip up", I say holding back tears.

    "You are lying to be? When I saved you?", he grabs my arm again with a tighter grip and yanks down my sleeve. Exposing all my fresh cuts from last night. Silently a tear falls down my face.

    "I do not like lying to you... I just don't want or need anyone to worry about me. I'm a burden", I say the last sentence softer.

    "Just because Bakugou says you are worthless and a burden, doesn't make you one", his face was till emotionless but his voice seemed softer, more gentle this time. He drops my hand and pulls a shirt and some sweats out of the dresser tugging them on. Walking into the closet I hear drawers being opened and shut. A minute later he walks out with with a pair of black sweats and a red hoodie. Handing them to me I give him a confused look. Todoroki then looks down at my legs and back up to my eyes. I look down too and see I am in only my boxers and a shirt that isn't mine.

    "W-where are my clothes?!", I ask with my shaky voice. A slight laugh somes from Todoroki's mouth as he turns away to the bathroom.

"They were soaked from the ice and wet grass. I changed you into my shirt and put your clothes in the wash. You can where my clothes till I can give yours back to you"

As I change and he went into the bathroom I quickly noticed the hoodie was huge on my small weak body. Todoroki is very much so taller than me.

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