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*Next day in class*

*Todoroki's P.O.V.*

"Good morning class We will be doing some training in the arena to improve your quirks. Put on your hero suits and meet there in 10 minutes", says Aizawa.

Everyone including myself has left to get changed. It was slightly awkward between Kaminari, Izuku, and I. I find it a tad funny but Izuku feels differently. We all meet up at the arena with the girls and Aizawa.

"Now everyone will be split up into different groups", he starts. Please put me with Izuku. "Bakugou, Kirishima, Midoriya, Iida, Asui, Tokoyami, Shoji, and Hagakure are group 1. The rest of you are in group 2. Group one will be with Present Mic and the rest of you will be with me. Lets go", Aizawa finishes walking away signaling my group to follow. I turn and wave to Izuku before joining Momo.

*Midoriya's P.O.V.*


"Jesus somebody too that man to quiet down", Tokoyami sarcastically sighs.

"Come on Tokoyami to the cave", Present Mic says.

We all start strengthening our quirks. Bakugou had ti continuously let off explosions to strengthen his recovery time. He did this on Kirishima who would use this to strengthen how long he can stay hardened. Iida has to do laps around the arena and Tokoyami has to stay in the dark and try to control his quirk as much as possible. Asui is using her quirk to climb a tall mountain of rocks trying to strengthen how far she can jump and use her tongue. Shoji practices by creating and using all his replicant arms at the same time and lastly Hagakure she will use her quirk to try and silently sneak up on Present Mic. I am strengthening my quirk by kicking stone obstacles as hard as I can as fast as I can SAFELY.

We have been practicing for hours. My legs feel like they might fall off. We are all exhausted. And arm wraps around my mouth and pulls me behind a rock. I take the hand off my mouth. "Shoto not her..", oh my god.

"Oh I bet you wish I was him right now don't ya?", his sadistic laugh echoing in my ears.

"S-Shimura?", He puts his hand over my mouth again.

"Shhhhh let's not ruin in the fun before it begins", he laughs. Screams start to fill the air as the smell of smoke spreads through the building. "You hear that? Fear. You wannabe heros are scared. A true hero would have enough courage to push fear to the side. Pathetic".

I throw his hand off of me careful to not let it close around my hand. "Lets go. I won't let you hurt my friends", I get into my battle stance ready to kick his butt.

"That's cute but I have bigger fish to fry. So i'm gonna leave you in her hands", he smirks as he steps into a portable and Toga steps out in is place. "Hi hot stuff", she giggles.

*Todoroki's P.O.V.*

We were all practicing our quirks when fire spread everywhere. Blue flames. "Dabi", I mutter.

"Everyone get back to the classroom", Aizawa screams but the door was covered by 2 Nomus. "Everyone you have permission to defend yourself till backup arrives". We all get into battle stances. "The second that entrance has an opening you guys get out of here. Your classmates will be doing the same"

"Izuku...", I say to myself.

"No! Do not leave to find the others. As long as we stay in our groups we are a force to be reckoned with. Same as the other group. No leaving they are more than capable of handling themselves too", Aizawa screams at the group but mostly me. I believe in Izuku plus he's with Bakugou and Kirishima they are strong too.

We all get in a tight circle ready to defend ourselves when a warp gate open up and Dabi steps out already smirking. !5 more gates open with more copies of dabi coming out.

"How will we know which is the real one", Mineta screams.

"We won't so just keep fighting till we reach the real him", Aizawa screams as we all start taking down the copycats. 

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