Chapter One

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Ellie ~

*Kriiing* *Kriiiiing* *Kriiiiing* "Urrghh!" I hate mornings, well I guess I really am not a morning person. I turned my alarm clock and hopped of the bed. Maybe you're thinking why I don't have a mom knocking on my door or shouting from downstairs or whatever. It's because I don't have one, not even a father, I only have my baby brother, Dashielle Anthony but i call him Dadh, he's four years old, our parents died because of car crash. My mom and dad was on their way home because they both just finished their works and then suddenly.. Everything did not went well and me and my brother was at home waiting for them until some police came over and said that they're gone.

 I looked at the clock and it was six in the morning and I have to get ready and cook breakfast. I took my towel and headed to the bathroom and did my things after taking a shower I took some plain black tank top and faded skinny jeans and wore my white converse and grab my sweater. I brushed my brown chestnut hair that falls in my mid-back. I don't really wear makeups since I don't have imperfections and such and my cheeks are rosy but I do put some mascarra to pop my blueish grey eyes and some lipbalm. I looked at the mirror and nod taking my appearance, I grab my bag and went downstairs.

I checked the clock and it reads seven fifteen A.M, It's time to wake up my dearest brother. I went upstairs in his room and found that his not in his bed so I take this that he's already awake when suddenly I heard his cute voice behind me "Boo!" He said trying to scare me with his cute voice, I really am not in the mood since i'm nervous for my first day of Senior highschool but ofcourse I don't want my brother getting all sad so I fake shocked "Oh my gosh noooo!" I shouted and he giggles and hugged me. "Okay little boy, it's time for you to get ready for school and eat your breakfast. Are we clear?" I faked army voice. "Yes Ma'am!" he said saluting. He's really cute.

After taking Dash a shower I feed him and packed his things for school. "Are you ready for school?" I asked him getting the keys of my car, yes I have a car, I bought it with my savings when I was working last summer. Dash nodded to me and smiled, we reached the car and he played with the stereo, "Hey, stop playing with that little dude" I said while driving but ofcourse he didn't listen to me. The drive to his school was ten minutes. When we arrived there and I accompanied him to his classroom. I bent down my knees and give him a peck in the cheeks "Be a good boy okay?" He nodded and walked away.

I went away and drive for my school, The Northville Academy. I'm new here because me and my brother moved to Cali since our house were taken by the bank because of our debts. This year is my last year of highschool, I just wanted a peaceful last year since back in my school I was known as the In-Betweener because i'm not a nerd nor popular. I haven't seen the school yet because I don't have time to and I only enrolled through internet and I have to work full time to have money for me and my brother. My trip to school was just twenty minutes home. 

I already got at the school parking lot and parked my car on the loner side which less cars will be parking and I hopped of my car and locked it. As soon as I landed my eyes on the academy, Wow, is all I can say that time. I mean the school was really big and beautiful, I bet this school is full of princes and pricesses and by all means if your asking how I entered this school if it was for rich kids then it's because of my scholarship. I can say that i'm a straight A student but like I said i'm not a nerd. 

I went inside of the school and if outside was beautiful then what more for the inside, it was breathtaking. The walls are full of paintings and medals and such. Pictures of the best dancers, artist and more. I was busy looking everywhere when I didn't even notice where i'm walking until I bump into something hard. "Oww" was all I said and when I look to what dead end I went it wasn't a dead end. It was a guy! I took his appearance, He has green eyes that when he looked at you it's like he's looking deep in your soul, Perfect nose, high cheekbones, sharp jaw and full pink lips which is the total opposite of mine because I have natural red lips and his hair was messy but he look so damn sexy.... I was busy looking at him when suddenly he spoke "Done checking me out...." He said having a smirk on his face. "Oh... I-I'm sorry, it w-wasn't like t-that.. I w-was just...-" I stuttered and he cuts me off "Yea, whatever move out of the way loser!'' He said and I immediately move, everyone was looking and I felt a heat rush up my face. 'So it must be the Bad Boy huh'  I thought to myself as I went to the office.

After taking my schedule at the office, I was still thinking about the guy that I bumped into. He's really beautiful, I felt butterflies in my stomach, I like him. All I was thinking was him until something crossed my mind. 'Oh no. It couldn't be..... I'm Lovestuck over him? Oh no, no no. No way, I can't. I need my highschool to finish quiet not being bullied by the cheerleaders or what any other girls because of the reason that I like him' I thought and quickly erased him from my mind.

I entered my next period since I already skipped my first because I was lost. I got into the classroom and the bell rang just in time. I was finding some available seat when I saw one at the back and rejected it. Because next to me was him. And there is no seat available anymore.

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