Mystery [editing]

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Sometimes all I want to do is stay curled up in bed and being with Kevin is just another incentive.

He makes it so hard for me to not give up everything and just become hermits together.

I can't remember when he'd didn't have this affect on me. In the beginning it was small stuff like randomly showing up at the studio whenever I knew he'd be there. Making awkward eye contact after staring at him, desperately trying to play it off...

I had to stop acting like a lovesick fangirl and be the professional intern that I was on paper.

That of course didn't last long.

Learning how to mix vocals and produce beats was gruggling, especially when your unpaid.

Getting to see Kevin every other day was almost enough to make the lack of money worth it.

There were several instances where I made myself look like an idiot...


"Okay now for distorted, press this button right here" I nodded and wrote down my notes, trying to make sense of all those buttons and knobs.

"Here, try it yourself" the producer moved out of the way for me to make a fool out of myself.

Unsure I ask a question, but try to make it sound like I was joking "Okay so...this one, right?"

This would've been easier if the guys weren't here, all five are in the booth waiting for magic to happen. Or at least something fantastic... But nope, they're stuck with me for the next twenty minutes.

"Haha, yeah the one to the left"

It worked.

I nod and reach over while still in my seat, a victorious click was sounded.

"Great now play the vocals and tweak them however you please. I'll be back in twenty, lunch break."

Panic began to set in, no matter how unrational it was.

"Okay cool, thanks I will" I laugh nervously and play AJ and Nick's vocals on "Don't Want You Back".

Of course the song was already mixed and ready to be released on their upcoming album, I'm not sure what the name of it is though. This was just a practice exercise for me to learn.

I spend five minutes just messing around with some effects and distorting the chorus a bit. While taking note of some things I can possibly change or enhance.

Howie's bright tenor notably perfects the harmony.

"Hey, um Kevin, could you sing the Don't Want You Back part again?" I say over the mic, making sure to release it.

He makes eye contact, nods and puts his headphones back on.

So far, so good.

"Great now, Brian could you sing the extended C5 that you hit on Back, again"

He smiles and sings it with ease.

"Thanks guys" I held down the mic button and release it.

I continue to mix and master until I get a text from an unknown number.

???: On scale of 1-10 where would you rank Kevin?

I look up confused, none of the guys seem to have their phones I guess there's no harm in being honest.

I reply with a 10.


My day is almost over and I begin to slowly pack my stuff.

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