A new Dreemurr

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    A faint, gentle knock came from the wooden door of her office room. She raised her weary, saddened gaze from the screen of her laptop.

"Come in." she let out with faint fatigue.

As soon as the door opened, she noticed a very tall goat monster standing in the doorway, emanating power and majesty with his stance. He had a very soft gaze piercing down at his daughter, two fluffy, long years peeking out of his blonde mane and a long, purple cape resting on his broad shoulders. The woman couldn't help but smile at the view. Soon enough, the monster king entered, closing the door behind him neatly. With a few wide, thudding steps he appeared at the leather chair right across her desk and sat himself in it.

"How was your day, dear?" he asked with a sort of pitying smile and a gentle, deep voice.

"Ah...disappointing?" she answered somewhat unsure of herself.

"I can understand... But it seems like we managed to stabilize the situation and find most of the refugees a shelter and some food supplies, especially with the help of the Nordic countries. Everything is alright for now..." he attempted to reassure his child.

"Yeah, that's at least some good news..." she let out a weary sigh before looking down into the desk with a contemplating, concerned gaze.

"Tomorrow i will start on persuading the other nations... Mister C. arranged a private meeting with councilmen Dalgaard and Ammar... I..." she suddenly stopped, clenching her small hand into a tight fist underneath the table.

"I'm not sure i can manage...d-dad...Why..." she suddenly looked up at her father with the most saddened, fearful gaze, her lips trembled vaguely. "Why does it have to be this way...?"

The monster king only sighed in exasperation and placed one, soft paw on her dainty hand in a comforting motion.

"My child, to be completely sincere, i always anticipated a conflict between these two races. It happened hundreds of years ago, and i will not be surprised if we get another war now as well. I live each moment in fear that one day, everything we love will be taken away from us once again and we will end up in another...underground...." he spoke, his voice taking on the saddest timbre. His daughter could not bear to see him so devastated. She grabbed at his paw firmly, giving him the most determined look.

"I will never let that happen...The monsters will never return to the underground, not while i live." is all she said, making her father gain a faint sparkle of hope and admiration within his soul.

"I know..." he added, looking back at her closed, slightly arched eyes and rosy cheeks.

"On a happier note though... Your mother asked if you could come over after work, just for a brief moment. She would like to show you something, we would like to.." his eyes widened faintly as he spoke those words, his mouth lifted into a vague smile.

"O-oh? What is it?" she asked with curiosity.

"You'll see, my child, just come..."

The doorbell rang through the entrance hall, making a goat lady jump up while standing at the sink in the kitchen. She quickly dried her hands with a kitchen cloth and stormed towards the entrance.

"My child, you're here!" she exclaimed once she saw her dear daughter she missed immensely right at the doorstep.

The young, brown haired woman parted her lips faintly in an attempt to greet her but the words got swallowed when her mother hugged her tightly in a matter of seconds. She squished her gently within her fluffy arms, closing her eyes in a happy, tranquil manner.

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