Who To Choose

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Mary's POV

Six months have past now since I first met Zacky and Brian. I had gotten out with Zacky and sometimes with Brian, every time I was feeling guilty because I knew that I would hurt someone in the end. On Saturday night, after Zacky had take me on a dinner, we got back to my place and he had tried to kiss me but I had stopped him, I didn't want to hurt him, I didn't want him to feel rejected so I got out some lame excuses, "I'm not ready" and he seem to understood. On the Sunday afternoon, after I had gone shopping with Brian, he took me home and he had tried to kiss me too and same thing again, I felt guilty and I got out some fucking bad excuses, "I don't want to rush things" and he seem to understand it even thought I was scared to hurt his pride. And now it was Monday and I decided to do the thing that would be good for the three of us. 

Zacky's POV

I was sitting at the bar with Brian, we called each other and agreed that we had to talk, take some time for our friendship. I was excited to have to time alone with Brian but at the same time I was feeling guilty to feel in love with Mary while I was feeling something similar for Brian. This life was weird and it was crushing me down.  

We were laughing and talking about random stuff but the inevitable topic came up, "So, how is it going with Mary?" Brian ask me as he was looking at the Tv screen of the bar. "It's going great I guess, what about you?" I knew that Brian was seeing Mary as the same time I was, didn't bother me that much, I was only sure that she would fall for that handsome man someday, I just wish he was already mine. "It's great but I think that I screw up yesterday" He said finally looking at me, his deep brown eyes melting my heart at the same time. "Why's that?" I ask him concern. "I tried to kiss her and she told me that she wasn't ready or something like that, I just think it's some bad excuse thought.." He said looking down at his drink before taking a glut. "Well, I tried too and she told me a similar excuse, what could be happening to her. Maybe we put too much pressure on her?" I ask Brian worried that I was hurting someone I loved. "I don't know maybe. Having two sexy guys like us trying to seduce her is sure making pressure on her" Brian said laughing. I laugh with him, even thought I never thought I was the most sexy guy on earth, Brian sure was. 

Then I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and Brian's phone rang at the same time. I answer my phone, "Hey Zacky, your girl is moving again, did you know?" Matt ask, "No! Fuck I'm coming" I said hanging up and Brian ended his phone call at the same time, "We have to go see Mary" Brian said as he got up from the stool bar. I nod briefly before we headed out of the bar to his car.  "Do you know what  we could tell her?" I ask Brian because my mind was blank, what can I say to someone who wanted to leave? "I don't know, we'll see that when she will tell us what's going on" Brian said keeping his eyes on the road, he seemed nervous and worried, probably like me. I was worried that I maybe just did a huge mistake, maybe it was all my fault if Mary was leaving. Who knows

Mary's POV

 I was packing all my stuff in boxes and taking them in my car, I had to leave. Leave from Zacky's and Brian's life because in the end I would only hurt them. In the end they could even hurt me because I feel like there's this love between them, more than friendship. As I put a box in my car I saw Brian's car coming down the street and parking his car in front of my building. I didn't want to face anybody, this was my decision and it was for the best. I got back in my apartment like I didn't saw them, I could hear Brian and Zacky calling my name but I didn't react, I didn't want to make this more difficult than it actually was. 

I enter my apartment and started to pack my clothes in the box when Zacky and Brian came inside, I didn't flinch, I just ignore them, it was the best thing do. "What are you doing Mary?" Zacky ask softly staying by Brian's side, I couldn't look up to him, I know he would be hurt and I didn't want to destroy them more then I was already doing. "I'm leaving, it'll be better for every body" I told them as I continue to fold my clothes. "Why are you leaving? Since a couple weeks I saw that you didn't have that sparkle in your eyes anymore. Shit Mary what is going on?" Zacky ask again on a stern tone. I didn't know what to say I just kept folding my clothes as my hands started to shake, I didn't know what to say. How can you do that to two people who had brought so much light into your life? Just someone tell me how? I was looking for an answer but nothing came up to my mind.

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