Chapter 3: Family xx

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Your POV~
Another few months went by and it is now ChRiStMaS is only in a few weeks !
The whole avengers tower is buzzing with stress, excitement and Christmas trees 🎄

While everyone is running around, me and Peter just look back and laugh at everyone going slightly mad.

' y/n, can I tell you something? And don't tell anyone just yet' he asked me, with a concerned look on his face.
' yeah Peter, what is it?, he then took my hand and walked us to the roof (that was our secret den/hiding spot)
' this must be serious' I thought because we only go up here if we wanna talk about something private.

'May is moving to Arizona' he said, with tears in his eyes,

'Why isn't she bringing you? I asked him, almost mad at Aunt May for leaving Peter like this and so soon to Christmas.

' no she has to go for this new job and I wanted to stay here and be.. well.. Spider-Man' he replied, and looked down while twiddling his thumbs.

'Peter where are you going to stay? I questioned, scared for him because with no-one in the apartment, and Peter being to young to have a job who would pay the rent?

'Wait!' I said, when a idea sparked in my head.
'What y/n?

' I know this sounds crazy but why don't you just well- I paused to look him in his deep brown eyes, ' live here? I mumbled, feeling embarrassed knowing he would probably say no.

' Would Mr Stark allow that or all the other avengers? He said, obviously excited now and that put a smile on mine and his face.

' I don't see why not I mean you basically live here already' I said making him laugh.

'Well should we go ask mr Stark and all the others then? He said standing up in an instant , then we walked down and I didn't really notice but while we were walking down, our hands kept bumping against each other and then peter just stopped walking and said ' Thank you y/n for being the best friend I could ever have' he announced and gave me a huge hug that lasted a few minutes.

'Your welcome Parker, your welcome' you said hugging him back even stronger.

'Anddd? He asked and looked at my eyes then my lips the my eyes again.
'Thank you for being the coolest and best person I've ever known, apart from my parents obviously' I said with a huge smile and that made him smile back at me.

'Hey sorry to interrupt this cute little moment but we gotta hold a meeting in two minutes in the meeting room to discuss something very important' Scott said then whispered something to peter that made him laugh which I couldn't hear.

Peter's POV~
'we all know you and y/n like each other so tell her before she falls for someone else buddy' Scott whispered in my ear,

'Oh and also Cassie asked if she could have your Spider-Man teddy bear' I laughed at this and said 'sure but how does she know about the teddy ?

' oh we ALL know about the teddy' he said while walking out singing

'spider bear,spider bear,
does whatever a spider can,
can he sit? Can he move?
No he can't cause he is made of wool
oh look there goes spider bearr

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