Chapter One

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Lunar: Heyyo!! I have been thinking of this story for a while now. I just haven't had the motivation but now I do. I will update all my stories everyday. Unless something comes up. But I will give it my all. ^0^💪 There is abuse, rape, suicide, purging, and self harm. If any of this bothers you and makes you think about bad things don't read. I'll give warning when any of this is happening. I don't want any of you hurt or sad so please don't read if this will hurt you in some way. And there is lesbian, gay, and bisexual in here. :) if any of you hate that stuff get da fuck outta here. :) thanx you. Or stay but don't be a homophobic butthole.

Hope you enjoy and leave a comment if you liked or hated it. Peace!!! ✌



A bang echoed throughout the small room. In the corner sat a small, tattered, old mattress. A girl sat up, stretched while yawning. She winced and looked at her phone. She smacked it when the alarm went off. The time said 6:30 and she groaned. She had long blonde hair that reached to her butt. Her eyes were mismatched. Her right eye was a deep forest green, and her left was a blood red. Her father's side of the family inherited green eyes while her mother's side inherited red. Which didn't go well with the people around them. The girl stood up and peeked out her door timidly. She was small for her age of 17. She stood at 4'6 feet tall. And her bones showed through her skin from being malnourished.

The girl shuffled back into her room and went to a tote that was next to her bed. She opened it and pulled out black frayed jeans, a tattered black long sleeve shirt with a skull on it, and underwear, bra, and socks. She went back to her door and peeked out it. She looked up and down the hallway tentatively and sneaked out the door to the bathroom. She turned on the shower but only cold water came out. She glared at the shower head and cursed. "Rose you stupid idiot. You should know better than to hope for any hot water," Rose whispered to herself.

She turned to look in the mirror and scoffed at her reflection. She then proceeded to undress. She pulled off her shirt and ran her hands across her chest and winced. Bruises and cuts marred her pale skin. The cuts ran down her arms, and across her chest and stomach. Bruises littered her entire body. She whimpered as she stepped into the shower. The cold water stung when it hit her open wounds, and made her body feel like ice. Rose quickly washed up and got out and out her clothes on. She walked out of the bathroom and bumped into something.

Rose opened her eyes and her heart froze in her chest. Her father stood there glaring daggers at his daughter. Bruce Lillard grabbed Rose by the throat and slammed her into the all.


"What do you think you are doing you little slut?" He asked venomously.

Rose whimpered. "I was taking a shower before school father."

He glared more and smashed his beer bottle into her head. "I AM NOT YOUR FATHER! YOU ARE A FREAK! A ABOMINATION! I HAVE NO FAGGOT OF A DAUGHTER!!"

He finished his sentence by throwing her into the bathroom sink. Rose's head hit the edge and she fell on the floor. She whimpered and curled up against the tub. "I'm sorry!"

Bruce kicked her stomach with a lot of force and a crack was hear. Rose screamed out in pain and begged her father to stop. He ignored her pleas and continued kicking her until he seemed satisfied. He stumbled drunkenly out of the bathroom and slammed the door shut.


Rose still laid there, curled into a ball. She sobbed and stumbled to her feet. She pulled up her shirt to inspect the damage. Several new bruises made up her stomach. Her cuts were bleeding from the beating. She digged through the cupboard of the sink for bandages. She was breathing heavily. Rose had a hard time breathing and felt around her ribs and cried out in pain. She had at least two broken ribs. Spending years with her father made her self teach herself about what kind of injuries she had. She wrapped with the bandages and cursed her father in her head.

Rose gathered her dirty laundry and limped to her room. She put the clothes in a pile in a corner and walked to her 'bed'. All she had in her room was the mattress, the tote with her clothes in it, and a box next to it with a couple things that she holds dear to her heart in it. Next to that was also her backpack but no one cares about that. She scoffed and glared at the backpack. 'Time to leave this hellhole to go to another one.' She put her backpack on and grabbed her phone. She headed for the door and walked to the kitchen. She opened up the fridge and grabbed a Dr.Pepper. She twisted the cap off and took a sip. She brushed her teeth then headed to the front door. Bruce was sleeping on the couch so she snuck to the door and opened and closed it softly.

She walked down the sidewalk and checked the time on her phone. 7:13. She plugged her earbuds in and turned on Three Days Grace. She loved this band. Rose strolled down the street to her school. Northern Adirondack Central School. The street of Ellenburg was quiet for a Monday. 'I don't blame em. If I could I would stay in my bed all day too.' Rose got to the school and it was 7:46 by the time she got there. School didn't start until 8:00. She walked past the Elementary School and scoffed. She hated kids. She walked down the sidewalk leading to the Middle/High school. The middle and high school was in the same building. Rose got to in front of the door and sighed. 'Time for hell number two.'

Rose's POV

I walked into school and went through the second pair of double doors. I took a left and kept going straight to the library. I love reading. It let's me escape the real world. And the librarian is really nice. Mr.Yolvern is hated by a lot of the kids because he makes them do their work when they are in there. But I get along well with him. I help him get the yearbook together. I don't take the pictures though. He knows kids will give me a hard time about it. Two years ago when I was in 9th grade I told him about what went on at home. He has been there for me whenever I needed something. He tried to get me away from there but the cops or CPS did nothing. He even wanted to adopt me.

I walked to the library desk and hugged Mr.Yolvern. He chuckled and hugged back. "What's up Rose?"

I grinned and clinged to him. "Hi Nathan." I stopped hugging and sat in the computer chair and pulled out my book. "I'm gonna hang out in here until first period."

Nathan rolled his eyes and sat beside me. "It's Mr.Yolvern to you runt."

I stuck my tongue out at him and opened my book. It is Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. I read until the bell rang to go to homeroom. I closed my book and poked Nathan who had his nose stuck in the computer. His caring brown eyes turned to me. "I'm gonna check into homeroom. I'll be back."

He nodded, making his shaggy head of black hair wave around. "Alright squirt"

I pouted and left the library to go to homeroom which was down the hallway. I walked into the classroom with my head hanging down and went to the teacher's desk. Mrs.Lanstett looked up at me. "Hello Miss.Lillard. Are you going to the library?"

"Y-yes ma'am."

She smiled gently. "Before you go, the office would like to see you."

I nodded and walked out of the room, ignoring the stares burning holes into the back of my head.

Lunar: Welp. I hope you enjoyed. Thanks for reading and have a wonderful day or night. Later!!

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