Chapter Two

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Lunar: Heyyo!! How's it going everyone?! Welcome to chapter two of...drum roll please.....*drum rolls* BROKEN FLOWER!!!! I was gonna update earlier since I had no school. We had a snow day. But I ended up organizing my reading list and library. It was bugging me. Anyways.... hope ya guys enjoy! Lunar out for now~

Rose's POV

I walked to the office wondering why they needed me. I don't think I did anything to get in trouble. As I wondered about if I did anything I bumped into something really hard. I groaned and opened my eyes. There was a wall In front of me. I glared at the wall then looked around. There was no one around me and I sighed in relief. Imagine the trouble that would have started if anyone saw that. I continued on my way to the office. I entered and went to the front desk. There is two front desks. One for middle school and one for high school. Along with two principles as well. Ms.Ross is the middle school principle. She is a absolute tally wacker. Everyone in the school hates her. Even the teachers. Well except the wrestling coach Mr.Tulli. He only liked her because she gives the wrestlers anything they want. The high school principle is Mr.Rascler. He is the best principal ever. He listens to every student and keeps their ideas and suggestions in mind. .

I went to the high school desk and smiled at the lady sitting behind the counter. Mrs.Lancusco looked at me and grinned. "Well hello there Rose! How are you doing today?"

"I'm o-okay." Which was a total lie.

She smiled and turned and yelled into Mr.Rascler's office. "DAVID!! ROSE IS HERE TO SEE YOU NOW!!"

I flinched at the loud noise. I don't like loud noises. They give me panic attacks. Mrs.Lancusco smiled sheepishly at me. "I am sorry Rose. I forgot."

"I-it's ok."

Mr.Rascler came out of his office grumbling but grinned when his eyes landed on me. "Ah! Rose. Please step into my office. And don't worry. You aren't in trouble."

I followed him into his office and looked on in surprise. Sitting in one of the chairs was a girl. I haven't seen her around the school before. She had black hair that was down to her ears on the left side, but on the right side it went down to the middle of her back. She wore all black. Including a black leather jacket. She had her ear pierced and her nose. But I focused on her eyes. They were the most beautiful part of her. They were a bright shade of blue. They contrasted with her tan skin.

She made eye contact with me and I blushed and looked down. I could feel my face heating up. Mr.Rascler motioned for me to sit down in the other chair so I did with my face still being a tomato. He looked at us and smiled. "Rose this is Silvia Harris. She is a new student here. Silvia this is Rose Lillard."

Silvia turned to look at me with a kind smile. "Hi Rose."

I melted at the sound of her voice. It was so beautiful. "H-hello."

I cursed myself in my head. Stupid stuttering freak. Mr.Rascler smirked at me and winked. I blushed heavily and stared at my shoes. The pitch black, high top DC shoes stared back at me. The orange edges and shoelaces were interesting to me at that moment. I heard giggling and looked up. Silvia was giggling at me which made me blush more. Mr.Rascler chuckled and I glared at him which made him chuckle more.

Silvia spoke up. "No offense Mr.Rascler, but why did you call Rose here?" I looked at him with the same question going through my head.

He looked at us seriously. "That is a good question. Well all new kids get a tour of the school and gets to shadow a student. And Rose here has no friends and she could use one. So I thought it would be the perfect opportunity."

I looked down at the floor. 'I don't deserve friends.' I thought to myself. 'I am nothing but a stupid freak.'

"I'll gladly be her friend." I looked up to see Silvia smiling at me softly. I smiled back slightly then looked back down. 'I can't have her be my friend. Father will be pissed. And I'm a tainted freak that doesn't deserve friends.'

Mr.Rascler sent Silvia and I out of his office. "I just gotta head to the library. My stuff is there."

Silvia nodded and I lead the way to the library. I was still limping. I hoped she didn't notice but that hope faded when I heard her speak. I turned around and had to look up at her. Silvia was way taller than I was. She stood at 5'8. 'Oof.'

"I'm s-sorry. W-what d-did you s-say?"

She looked straight into my eyes. 'Damn. Her eyes are gorgeous.'

"Are you okay? You're limping. Are you hurt somewhere?"

"I-i'm fine," I lied. Man I hope she can't tell I was lying.

She looked at me suspiciously but let it go. I turned around and continued to the library. I winced. My ribs starting hurting badly. But thankfully Silvia didn't notice. She was looking around sight gazing. I turned to go into the library and she followed me. Nathan was still sitting at his computer. I turned around and held up a finger to my lips signaling to be quiet to Silvia. She grinned and nodded. I snuck up on Nathan and jabbed my jabbed my fingers into his sides. He jumped up while yelling in fright. I giggled and squeaked as he pinched me.

He glared and me and looked behind me. "Who's this? Your girlfriend?"

I blushed heavily. "NO!! I'M SHOWING HER AROUND! She is new here. Her name is Silvia Harris. Silvia this is Mr.Yolvern. He's the here."

Silvia smiled at Nathan. "It's nice to meet you Mr.Yolvern."

Nathan smiled. "It's nice to meet you too. And please, just call me Nathan. My future sister-in-law should call me by my first name."

My face grew bright red and I pinched him. "WE ARE NOT DATING!!"

He grinned and ruffled my hair. I managed to hide my grimace of pain. It still hurt from being shoved into the sink. Silvia giggled at us and I blushed more. Today has been weird.

I hugged Nathan goodbye and gathered my stuff. "First period is Government. Mr.Penny is nice."

She nodded and I lead the way to the classroom. Homeroom ends in a couple minutes so we were the first ones here. I went to my usual seat. The first one in the top right corner. It's the first desk as you enter the classroom. No one sits around me so I don't have to worry about them. Silvia sat in the seat behind me. I wanted to start a conversation with her but decided not to. Another kid could come in and notice and bug her for talking to me. I don't want to get her hurt. She's too nice for pain. I scratched my arm painfully at the thought of her hurt.

The bell rang for kids to go to first period. Mr.Penny gave Silvia the notes so she knew what was going on. The class took notes for the whole period. Second period was study hall. So after signing into study hall me and Silvia went to the library. We sat behind the counter with Nathan. I yawned as they talked about science. They both loved it. I hated it. It's so dumb and hard to understand. I'll stick with art class. Speaking of art class. I took out my sketchbook. Nathan got it for me. It was black with orange edgings. Black and orange are my favorite colors.

I started drawing not paying attention to anything around me. I don't know how long I was drawing until I felt a tap on my shoulder. I flinched away from the touch. I relaxed once I saw Nathan. He gave me a worried look and stared down at my drawing. Silvia was looking too. I quickly closed my book and ran out of the library to the bathroom.

Lunar: Heyyo again!! Thank you guys for reading. I hope you enjoyed and stay tuned for chapter three!!!!! Later!

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