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I found myself making my way over to Shana's place after all. Mind messed up, heart racing. I took a deep breath and drove as fast as I could to get there. Before I could even knock, the door swung open and there she was. I just walked in without speaking.

"Well excuse you? Hello!" I heard her say behind me as she closed the door.

I went into the kitchen, putting my hair into a pony tail, and grabbing my self a glass. I opened her alcohol cabinet and poured myself the first thing I could find.

"You okay Star?"

I took a swig from the glass and held my throat as it burned a little. I shot her a look and put the glass down.

"What do you think? I just killed someone. I put my brother in this"

"And like I've said before, you didn't have to. It was all a choice"

I shook my head in disbelief of what I was hearing.

"A choice? A choice that was wrong either way."


"The least you could do is say thankyou"

"The money didn't speak enough?"

"EVERYTHING IS NOT ABOUT MONEY! I did it to help you"

She laughed like I just told the biggest lie and I was starting to get frustrated. I held myself together and made it over to the couch.

"Change of subject since it's so hard for you to be grateful. What are we doing tonight?"

"I'm not doing anything, you speak for yourself"

"Wow thanks"

"No need for the sarcasm" she said as she sat down beside me.

"You heard from my sister?" She asked

"No why?"

"Just curious."

I sigh "look you don't have to make awkward small talk, if I make you feel uncomfortable I can leave"

She turned and looked at me and shook her head. "It's nothing awkward, just got a lot on my mind ya know?"

"Let me guess. Michael"

She nodded and I sighed.

"When are you gonna see that he's not the one for you? He doesn't care like I ca- he doesn't care like the rest of us." I said as I cut what I wanted to say off.

"That's not true. He does care."

I sat up some and looked into her eyes. "Oh yeah? Call him then. Tell me if he answers"

She picked up the phone and dialed his number. I watched as it rung over and over, shaking my head.

"Look, just stay and keep me company tonight. Things have been hard enough."

I take my shoes off and nod. "Anything for you Shana"

I could see the look on her face change. She smiled a little, it was a weak smile, but I'm glad she did atleast a little.

"Can I ask you something ?"

I looked over at her and raised my eyebrows.

"Do you still think about how things used to be between us in college?"

I stayed quiet for a second and shook my head

She just stared at me and I avoided eye contact.
I reached to put my shoes back on, now feeling awkward to even be here, but she stopped me.



"I thought you would stay"

"I forgot I have a few errands I have to run"

"You're lying."

"I have to go" I said as I put my shoes back on and stood up.

She stood up and looked up at me, considering the fact I'm a little taller than her.

"Fine leave me like Michael did"

"I'm nothing like Michael. I'm better than Michael. He wouldn't do half the sh** I do for you"

I walked past her, but she pulled me back and I quickly pulled a loose, shaking my head.

"I have no one else!"

"This isn't right Shana. I can't right now"

And before she could even say anything else I was out of the house and in my car. I knew I had to handle Michael. I didn't know how, but I knew I would.


     I still haven't heard from Jane. I went by her house and I saw her car there, but nothing from her. Maybe she's mad at me? Did I say something wrong? I didn't have any of her family or friends contact information. I left her a voicemail as I sat outside of her driveway. "Baby I'm outside of your house right now, and I don't know where we stand, but you know that i love you very much. Please call me back or let me know if you get this. Jane please"


     I was wounded, starving, dehydrated, and confused. I woke up still in the same wooden chair, tied down with blood stains on my shirt. I didn't bleed out, but I was weak. I kept my head hanging low and heard footsteps coming from the top floor. I closed my eyes and kept still. I felt someone close to me and a males voice. I could feel them cutting the rope on me and my chains being broken. They picked me up over their shoulder and took me, what seemed to be, upstairs. I watched from upside down blurry eyesight. I waited until I felt some sort of air, breeze, or hint that I was outside since it was hard to see. I heard them open a door as they spoke on the phone.

"I'm bringing the body now."

He hung up and I could hear the outside. I could feel it. I used all the strength that was left of me and waited until he was about to put me in his trunk to fight. He grabbed me as I hopped out and I kicked him as hard as I could. I heard him groan and I kept making a run for it. A woozy, halfsighted, trippy run, but I did it. I got away. I didn't know where I was. I felt like I was going to faint, but I made sure to get somewhere far from whoever that man was, then all I saw was darkness.

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