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Charlotte Romanoff woke up with her head aching something awful

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Charlotte Romanoff woke up with her head aching something awful. It lulled to the side, and she snapped fully awake. Her vision was a little blurry, but she could see the man in front of her. Once her eyes adjusted, she got a better look at him and she remembered what happened.

She stayed quiet for a while, watching him carefully. Like a predator assessing her prey, even though she was the one chained up. She could get out, if she wanted to. But it was better to stay, to get information from him. After the attack on the Irish mob, she wanted all the information she could get.

Finally she shifted and the chains rattled, drawing his attention. "Morning, Sunshine." He had a cup of coffee and was sipping from it leisurely.

"So you're the one-man army." She gave him a once over with her emerald eyes. "How did you do it, all by yourself?"

"The same way I knocked you both out, I imagine." Right, Matt. She glanced over at the man chained up next to her, still out cold. His mask saved his life, but he was still hurt. How badly, she had no idea. She had to get him out of there, but she also wanted to know more about the man.

"Why? Why the Irish?"

"They were a bunch of scumbags that deserved it." His tone suggested that she thought they weren't.

"I'm not saying otherwise," she told him. "I agree with you. They deserved to die. But why? Why you, why now? Why at that place at that time?"

He didn't answer. "Look, I get it. The attack on the Irish, that was good. Planned out, well executed. You got rid of the bad guys. What makes me angry is the hospital. You went after one man and could have injured or killed doctors, nurses, patients and visitors. Someone important to me was there, and if she'd gotten hurt. . ." She took a deep breath. "Well, lets just say you wouldn't be here right now."

"Just wanted the one asshole."

"So you endangered the entire hospital?" The man didn't reply to that. He began cleaning his guns, pulling them out one by one. And she watched him for the longest time before speaking again. "You're a soldier, aren't you? Are, or were."

"Marine." He glanced up at her, a question in his eyes.

"I know a few men that were soldiers. They're a little like you. That's how I can tell." His eyes went back to his guns, and she exhaled. "And I can understand, in a sense. I know there are things you can't forget. From back there. Things that will never leave you."

"You don't know anything."

"I know more than you would think," she replied, softly. "Personal experience."

"You ever been to war, Sunshine?"

"No," she answered, "but I've done things. . . things that will haunt me forever."

"I'm sure you have." Just a hint of sarcasm in his voice. Then, before she could ask another question, he asked one of his own. "What kind of name is Black Widow, anyway?"

"A Russian one," she answered. "Not one that I asked for, but one that I earned. It took a lot to earn that name. Things I would rather forget."

He nodded, seemingly understanding. Not knowing, but understanding. As if he could relate to harsh experiences changing a person. Charlotte did not doubt that he could. But before either could say anything else, there were footsteps coming up the stairs to the roof.

He went to see who it was, and Charlotte could hear them talking. "Who are you? What are you doing up here?" The man introduced himself as Frank.

While he was busy with the man at the door, Charlotte got out of her chains and began working on Matt. Just as she was hauling him over her shoulders, Frank reappeared. When he saw her up his eyes widened and he reached for a gun, only to notice that they'd been kicked to the other side of the roof. She nearly smirked at his surprise.

She'd also retrieved her weapons and slipped them back into their holsters and into her belt. "I'm sure we'll see each other again, Frank."

With that, she jumped off of the roof and onto the fire escape, and was gone.

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